- filename
- With "filename" you can set a file name
as a string or as a array reference. If you set a array reference then the
parts will be concat with "catfile" from
Set a file name:
my $log = Log::Handler::Output::File->new( filename => "file.log" );
Set a array reference:
my $log = Log::Handler::Output::File->new(
# foo/bar/baz.log
filename => [ "foo", "bar", "baz.log" ],
# /foo/bar/baz.log
filename => [ "", "foo", "bar", "baz.log" ],
- filelock
- Maybe it's desirable to lock the log file by each write operation because
a lot of processes write at the same time to the log file. You can set the
option "filelock" to 0 or 1.
0 - no file lock
1 - exclusive lock (LOCK_EX) and unlock (LOCK_UN) by each write operation (default)
- fileopen
- Open a log file transient or permanent.
0 - open and close the logfile by each write operation
1 - open the logfile if C<new()> called and try to reopen the
file if C<reopen> is set to 1 and the inode of the file has changed (default)
- reopen
- This option works only if option
"fileopen" is set to 1.
0 - deactivated
1 - try to reopen the log file if the inode changed (default)
- How to use fileopen and reopen
- Please note that it's better to set
"reopen" and
"fileopen" to 0 on Windows because
Windows unfortunately haven't the faintest idea of inodes.
To write your code independent you should control it:
my $os_is_win = $^O =~ /win/i ? 0 : 1;
my $log = Log::Handler::Output::File->new(
filename => "file.log",
mode => "append",
fileopen => $os_is_win
If you set "fileopen" to 0
then it implies that "reopen" has no
- mode
- There are three possible modes to open a log file.
append - O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT (default)
"append" would open the log
file in any case and appends the messages at the end of the log
"excl" would fail by open
the log file if the log file already exists.
"trunc" would truncate the
complete log file if it exists. Please take care to use this option.
Take a look to the documentation of
"sysopen()" to get more
- autoflush
0 - autoflush off
1 - autoflush on (default)
- permissions
- The option "permissions" sets the
permission of the file if it creates and must be set as a octal value. The
permission need to be in octal and are modified by your process's current
That means that you have to use the unix style permissions
such as "chmod".
0640 is the default permission for this option.
That means that the owner got read and write permissions and users in
the same group got only read permissions. All other users got no
Take a look to the documentation of
"sysopen()" to get more
- utf8, utf-8
utf8 = binmode, $fh, ":utf8";
utf-8 = binmode, $fh, "encoding(utf-8)";
Yes, there is a difference.
- dateext
- It's possible to set a pattern in the filename that is replaced with a
date. If the date - and the filename - changed the file is closed and
reopened with the new filename. The filename is converted with
my $log = Log::Handler::Output::File->new(
filename => "file-%Y-%m-%d.log",
dateext => 1
In this example the file
"file-2015-06-12.log" is created. At
the next day the filename changed, the log file
"file-2015-06-12.log" is closed and
"file-2015-06-13.log" is opened.
This feature is a small improvement for systems where no
logrotate is available like Windows systems. On this way you have the
chance to delete old log files without to stop/start a daemon.