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MCE::Shared::Ordhash(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation MCE::Shared::Ordhash(3)

MCE::Shared::Ordhash - An ordered hash class featuring tombstone deletion

This document describes MCE::Shared::Ordhash version 1.876

An ordered-hash helper class for use as a standalone or managed by MCE::Shared.

This module implements an ordered hash featuring tombstone deletion, inspired by Hash::Ordered. An ordered hash is very much like a normal hash but with key insertion order preserved.

It provides "splice", sorting, plus extra capabilities for use with MCE::Shared::Minidb. Tombstone deletion is further optimized to not impact "store", "push", "unshift", and "merge". Tombstones are purged in-place for lesser memory consumption. In addition, "pop" and "shift" run optimally when an index is present. The optimization also applies to forward and reverse deletes. The end result is achieving a new level of performance, for a pure-Perl ordered hash implementation.

 # non-shared or local construction for use by a single process

 use MCE::Shared::Ordhash;

 my $oh = MCE::Shared::Ordhash->new( @pairs );

 # construction for sharing with other threads and processes

 use MCE::Shared;

 my $oh = MCE::Shared->ordhash( @pairs );

 # hash-like dereferencing

 my $val = $oh->{$key};
 $oh->{$key} = $val;

 %{$oh} = ();

 # OO interface

 if ( !defined ( $val = $oh->get("some_key") ) ) {
    $val = $oh->set( some_key => "some_value" );

 $val   = $oh->set( $key, $val );
 $ret   = $oh->setnx( $key, $val );         # set only if the key exists
 $val   = $oh->get( $key );
 $val   = $oh->delete( $key );              # del is an alias for delete
 $bool  = $oh->exists( $key );
 void   = $oh->clear();
 $len   = $oh->len();                       # scalar keys %{ $oh }
 $len   = $oh->len( $key );                 # length $oh->{ $key }
 @pair  = $oh->pop();
 $len   = $oh->push( @pairs );
 @pair  = $oh->shift();
 $len   = $oh->unshift( @pairs );
 %pairs = $oh->splice( $offset, $length, @pairs );

 $oh2   = $oh->clone( @keys );              # @keys is optional
 $oh3   = $oh->flush( @keys );
 $iter  = $oh->iterator( @keys );           # ($key, $val) = $iter->()
 @keys  = $oh->keys( @keys );
 %pairs = $oh->pairs( @keys );
 @vals  = $oh->values( @keys );             # vals is an alias for values

 $len   = $oh->assign( $key/$val pairs );   # equivalent to ->clear, ->mset
 $cnt   = $oh->mdel( @keys );
 @vals  = $oh->mget( @keys );
 $bool  = $oh->mexists( @keys );            # true if all keys exists
 $len   = $oh->mset( $key/$val pairs );     # merge is an alias for mset

 @vals  = $oh->sort();                      # by val $a <=> $b default
 @vals  = $oh->sort( "desc" );              # by val $b <=> $a
 @vals  = $oh->sort( "alpha" );             # by val $a cmp $b
 @vals  = $oh->sort( "alpha desc" );        # by val $b cmp $a

 @vals  = $oh->sort( "key" );               # by key $a <=> $b
 @vals  = $oh->sort( "key desc" );          # by key $b <=> $a
 @vals  = $oh->sort( "key alpha" );         # by key $a cmp $b
 @vals  = $oh->sort( "key alpha desc" );    # by key $b cmp $a

 # included, sugar methods without having to call set/get explicitly

 $len   = $oh->append( $key, $string );     #   $val .= $string
 $val   = $oh->decr( $key );                # --$val
 $val   = $oh->decrby( $key, $number );     #   $val -= $number
 $val   = $oh->getdecr( $key );             #   $val--
 $val   = $oh->getincr( $key );             #   $val++
 $val   = $oh->incr( $key );                # ++$val
 $val   = $oh->incrby( $key, $number );     #   $val += $number
 $old   = $oh->getset( $key, $new );        #   $o = $v, $v = $n, $o

 # pipeline, provides atomicity for shared objects, MCE::Shared v1.09+

 @vals  = $oh->pipeline(                    # ( "a_a", "b_b", "c_c" )
    [ "set", foo => "a_a" ],
    [ "set", bar => "b_b" ],
    [ "set", baz => "c_c" ],
    [ "mget", qw/ foo bar baz / ]

For normal hash behavior, the TIE interface is supported.

 # non-shared or local construction for use by a single process

 use MCE::Shared::Ordhash;

 tie my %oh, "MCE::Shared::Ordhash", @pairs;
 tie my %oh, "MCE::Shared::Ordhash";

 # construction for sharing with other threads and processes
 # the ordered option is needed to know to use MCE::Shared::Ordhash

 use MCE::Shared;

 tie my %oh, "MCE::Shared", { ordered => 1 }, @pairs;
 tie my %oh, "MCE::Shared", ordered => 1;

 # usage

 my $val;

 if ( !defined ( $val = $oh{some_key} ) ) {
    $val = $oh{some_key} = "some_value";

 $oh{some_key} = 0;

 tied(%oh)->incrby("some_key", 20);
 tied(%oh)->incrby(some_key => 20);

Several methods take a query string for an argument. The format of the string is described below. In the context of sharing, the query mechanism is beneficial for the shared-manager process. It is able to perform the query where the data resides versus the client-process grep locally involving lots of IPC.

 o Basic demonstration

   @keys = $oh->keys( "query string given here" );
   @keys = $oh->keys( "val =~ /pattern/" );

 o Supported operators: =~ !~ eq ne lt le gt ge == != < <= > >=
 o Multiple expressions delimited by :AND or :OR, mixed case allowed

   "key eq 'some key' :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)"
   "key eq some key :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)"
   "key =~ /pattern/i :And val =~ /pattern/i"
   "val eq foo baz :OR key !~ /pattern/i"

   * key matches on keys in the hash
   * likewise, val matches on values

 o Quoting is optional inside the string

   "key =~ /pattern/i :AND val eq 'foo bar'"   # val eq "foo bar"
   "key =~ /pattern/i :AND val eq foo bar"     # val eq "foo bar"


 # search capability key/val: =~ !~ eq ne lt le gt ge == != < <= > >=
 # key/val means to match against actual key/val respectively

 @keys  = $oh->keys( "key eq 'some key' :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)" );
 @keys  = $oh->keys( "key eq some key :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)" );

 @keys  = $oh->keys( "key =~ /$pattern/i" );
 @keys  = $oh->keys( "key !~ /$pattern/i" );
 @keys  = $oh->keys( "val =~ /$pattern/i" );
 @keys  = $oh->keys( "val !~ /$pattern/i" );

 %pairs = $oh->pairs( "key == $number" );
 %pairs = $oh->pairs( "key != $number :and val > 100" );
 %pairs = $oh->pairs( "key <  $number :or key > $number" );
 %pairs = $oh->pairs( "val <= $number" );
 %pairs = $oh->pairs( "val >  $number" );
 %pairs = $oh->pairs( "val >= $number" );

 @vals  = $oh->vals( "key eq $string" );
 @vals  = $oh->vals( "key ne $string with space" );
 @vals  = $oh->vals( "key lt $string :or val =~ /$pat1|$pat2/" );
 @vals  = $oh->vals( "val le $string :and val eq 'foo bar'" );
 @vals  = $oh->vals( "val le $string :and val eq foo bar" );
 @vals  = $oh->vals( "val gt $string" );
 @vals  = $oh->vals( "val ge $string" );

This module involves TIE when accessing the object via hash-like behavior. Both non-shared and shared instances are impacted if doing so. Although likely fast enough for many use cases, the OO interface is recommended for best performance.

Constructs a new object, with an optional list of key-value pairs.

 # non-shared or local construction for use by a single process

 use MCE::Shared::Ordhash;

 $oh = MCE::Shared::Ordhash->new( @pairs );
 $oh = MCE::Shared::Ordhash->new( );

 # construction for sharing with other threads and processes

 use MCE::Shared;

 $oh = MCE::Shared->ordhash( @pairs );
 $oh = MCE::Shared->ordhash( );

Clears the hash, then sets multiple key-value pairs and returns the number of keys stored in the hash. This is equivalent to "clear", "mset".

 $len = $oh->assign( "key1" => "val1", "key2" => "val2" );  # 2
 $len = %{$oh} = ( "key1" => "val1", "key2" => "val2" );    # 4

API available since 1.007.

Removes all key-value pairs from the hash.

 %{$oh} = ();

Creates a shallow copy, a "MCE::Shared::Ordhash" object. It returns an exact copy if no arguments are given. Otherwise, the object includes only the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not exist in the hash will have the "undef" value.

 $oh2 = $oh->clone( "key1", "key2" );
 $oh2 = $oh->clone;

Deletes and returns the value by given key or "undef" if the key does not exists in the hash.

 $val = $oh->delete( "some_key" );
 $val = delete $oh->{ "some_key" };

"del" is an alias for "delete".

Determines if a key exists in the hash.

 if ( $oh->exists( "some_key" ) ) { ... }
 if ( exists $oh->{ "some_key" } ) { ... }

Same as "clone". Though, clears all existing items before returning.

Gets the value of a hash key or "undef" if the key does not exists.

 $val = $oh->get( "some_key" );
 $val = $oh->{ "some_key" };

Returns a code reference for iterating a list of key-value pairs stored in the hash when no arguments are given. Otherwise, returns a code reference for iterating the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not exist will have the "undef" value.

The list of keys to return is set when the closure is constructed. Later keys added to the hash are not included. Subsequently, the "undef" value is returned for deleted keys.

 $iter = $oh->iterator;
 $iter = $oh->iterator( "key1", "key2" );

 while ( my ( $key, $val ) = $iter->() ) {

Returns a code reference for iterating a list of key-value pairs that match the given criteria. It returns an empty list if the search found nothing. The syntax for the "query string" is described above.

 $iter = $oh->iterator( "val eq some_value" );
 $iter = $oh->iterator( "key eq some_key :AND val =~ /sun|moon|air|wind/" );
 $iter = $oh->iterator( "val eq sun :OR val eq moon :OR val eq foo" );
 $iter = $oh->iterator( "key =~ /$pattern/" );

 while ( my ( $key, $val ) = $iter->() ) {

Returns hash keys in the same insertion order when no arguments are given. Otherwise, returns the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not exist will have the "undef" value. In scalar context, returns the size of the hash.

 @keys = $oh->keys( "key1", "key2" );

 @keys = $oh->keys;     # faster
 @keys = keys %{$oh};   # involves TIE overhead

 $len  = $oh->keys;     # ditto
 $len  = keys %{$oh};

Returns only keys that match the given criteria. It returns an empty list if the search found nothing. The syntax for the "query string" is described above. In scalar context, returns the size of the resulting list.

 @keys = $oh->keys( "val eq some_value" );
 @keys = $oh->keys( "key eq some_key :AND val =~ /sun|moon|air|wind/" );
 @keys = $oh->keys( "val eq sun :OR val eq moon :OR val eq foo" );
 $len  = $oh->keys( "key =~ /$pattern/" );

Returns the size of the hash when no arguments are given. For the given key, returns the length of the value stored at key or the "undef" value if the key does not exists.

 $size = $oh->len;
 $len  = $oh->len( "key1" );
 $len  = length $oh->{ "key1" };

Deletes one or more keys in the hash and returns the number of keys deleted. A given key which does not exist in the hash is not counted.

 $cnt = $oh->mdel( "key1", "key2" );

Returns a true value if all given keys exists in the hash. A false value is returned otherwise.

 if ( $oh->mexists( "key1", "key2" ) ) { ... }

Gets the values of all given keys. It returns "undef" for keys which do not exists in the hash.

 ( $val1, $val2 ) = $oh->mget( "key1", "key2" );

Sets multiple key-value pairs in a hash and returns the number of keys stored in the hash.

 $len = $oh->mset( "key1" => "val1", "key2" => "val2" );

"merge" is an alias for "mset".

Returns key-value pairs in the same insertion order when no arguments are given. Otherwise, returns key-value pairs for the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not exist will have the "undef" value. In scalar context, returns the size of the hash.

 @pairs = $oh->pairs( "key1", "key2" );

 @pairs = $oh->pairs;
 $len   = $oh->pairs;

Returns only key-value pairs that match the given criteria. It returns an empty list if the search found nothing. The syntax for the "query string" is described above. In scalar context, returns the size of the resulting list.

 @pairs = $oh->pairs( "val eq some_value" );
 @pairs = $oh->pairs( "key eq some_key :AND val =~ /sun|moon|air|wind/" );
 @pairs = $oh->pairs( "val eq sun :OR val eq moon :OR val eq foo" );
 $len   = $oh->pairs( "key =~ /$pattern/" );

Combines multiple commands for the object to be processed serially. For shared objects, the call is made atomically due to single IPC to the shared-manager process. The "pipeline" method is fully "wantarray"-aware and receives a list of commands and their arguments. In scalar or list context, it returns data from the last command in the pipeline.

 @vals = $oh->pipeline(                     # ( "a_a", "b_b", "c_c" )
    [ "set", foo => "a_a" ],
    [ "set", bar => "b_b" ],
    [ "set", baz => "c_c" ],
    [ "mget", qw/ foo bar baz / ]

 $len = $oh->pipeline(                      # 3, same as $oh->len
    [ "set", foo => "i_i" ],
    [ "set", bar => "j_j" ],
    [ "set", baz => "k_k" ],
    [ "len" ]

    [ "set", foo => "m_m" ],
    [ "set", bar => "n_n" ],
    [ "set", baz => "o_o" ]

Current API available since 1.809.

Same as "pipeline", but returns data for every command in the pipeline.

 @vals = $oh->pipeline_ex(                  # ( "a_a", "b_b", "c_c" )
    [ "set", foo => "a_a" ],
    [ "set", bar => "b_b" ],
    [ "set", baz => "c_c" ]

Current API available since 1.809.

Removes and returns the last key-value pair or value in scalar context of the ordered hash. If there are no keys in the hash, returns the undefined value.

 ( $key, $val ) = $oh->pop;

 $val = $oh->pop;

A utility method for purging any *tombstones* in the keys array. It also resets a couple counters internally. Call this method before serializing to a file, which is the case in "MCE::Shared::Minidb".


Appends one or multiple key-value pairs to the tail of the ordered hash and returns the new length. Any keys already existing in the hash are re-inserted with the new values.

 $len = $oh->push( "key1", "val1", "key2", "val2" );

Sets the value of the given hash key and returns its new value.

 $val = $oh->set( "key", "value" );
 $val = $oh->{ "key" } = "value";

Sets the value of a hash key, only if the key does not exist. Returns a 1 for new key or 0 if the key already exists and no operation was performed.

 $ret = $oh->setnx( "key", "value" );

Current API available since 1.872.

Removes and returns the first key-value pair or value in scalar context of the ordered hash. If there are no keys in the hash, returns the undefined value.

 ( $key, $val ) = $oh->shift;

 $val = $oh->shift;

Returns sorted keys in list context, leaving the elements intact. In void context, sorts the hash in-place. By default, sorting is numeric and applied to values when no arguments are given.

 @keys = $oh->sort( "BY val" );


If the keys or values contain string values and you want to sort them lexicographically, specify the "ALPHA" modifier.

 @keys = $oh->sort( "BY key ALPHA" );

 $oh->sort( "BY val ALPHA" );

The default is "ASC" for sorting the hash from small to large. In order to sort the hash from large to small, specify the "DESC" modifier.

 @keys = $oh->sort( "BY val DESC ALPHA" );

 $oh->sort( "BY key DESC ALPHA" );

Removes the key-value pairs designated by "offset" and "length" from the ordered hash, and replaces them with "key-value pairs", if any. The behavior is similar to the Perl "splice" function.

 @pairs = $oh->splice( 20, 2, @pairs );
 @pairs = $oh->splice( 20, 2 );
 @pairs = $oh->splice( 20 );

Prepends one or multiple key-value pairs to the head of the ordered hash and returns the new length. Any keys already existing in the hash are re-inserted with the new values.

 $len = $oh->unshift( "key1", "val1", "key2", "val2" );

Returns hash values in the same insertion order when no arguments are given. Otherwise, returns values for the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not exist will have the "undef" value. In scalar context, returns the size of the hash.

 @vals = $oh->values( "key1", "key2" );

 @vals = $oh->values;     # faster
 @vals = values %{$oh};   # involves TIE overhead

 $len  = $oh->values;     # ditto
 $len  = values %{$oh};

Returns only values that match the given criteria. It returns an empty list if the search found nothing. The syntax for the "query string" is described above. In scalar context, returns the size of the resulting list.

 @vals = $oh->values( "val eq some_value" );
 @vals = $oh->values( "key eq some_key :AND val =~ /sun|moon|air|wind/" );
 @vals = $oh->values( "val eq sun :OR val eq moon :OR val eq foo" );
 $len  = $oh->values( "key =~ /$pattern/" );

"vals" is an alias for "values".

This module is equipped with sugar methods to not have to call "set" and "get" explicitly. In shared context, the benefit is atomicity and reduction in inter-process communication.

The API resembles a subset of the Redis primitives <> with key representing the hash key.

Appends a value to a key and returns its new length.

 $len = $oh->append( $key, "foo" );

Decrements the value of a key by one and returns its new value.

 $num = $oh->decr( $key );

Decrements the value of a key by the given number and returns its new value.

 $num = $oh->decrby( $key, 2 );

Decrements the value of a key by one and returns its old value.

 $old = $oh->getdecr( $key );

Increments the value of a key by one and returns its old value.

 $old = $oh->getincr( $key );

Sets the value of a key and returns its old value.

 $old = $oh->getset( $key, "baz" );

Increments the value of a key by one and returns its new value.

 $num = $oh->incr( $key );

Increments the value of a key by the given number and returns its new value.

 $num = $oh->incrby( $key, 2 );

Many thanks to David Golden for Hash::Ordered. This implementation is inspired by Hash::Ordered v0.009.

I wanted an ordered hash implementation for use with MCE::Shared without any side effects. For example, linear scans, slow deletes, or excessive memory consumption. The closest module on CPAN to pass in this regard is Hash::Ordered by David Golden.

MCE::Shared has only one shared-manager process which is by design. Therefore, re-factored tombstone deletion with extras for lesser impact to the rest of the library. This module differs in personality from Hash::Ordered mainly for compatibility with the other classes included with MCE::Shared.

The following simulates a usage pattern inside MCE::Hobo involving random key deletion. For example, an application joining a list of Hobos provided by "MCE::Hobo->list_joinable".

 use MCE::Shared::Ordhash;
 use List::Util 'shuffle';
 use Time::HiRes 'time';

 srand 0;

 my $oh = MCE::Shared::Ordhash->new();
 my $num_keys = 200000;
 my $start = time();

 $oh->set($_,$_) for 1 .. $num_keys;

 for ( shuffle $oh->keys ) {

 printf "duration: %7.03f secs\n", time() - $start;

Both the runtime and memory consumption are captured for the demonstration. Results are included for MCE::Shared::Hash (unordered hash) for comparison.

 for ( shuffle $oh->keys ) { $oh->delete($_) }

 0.378 secs.  35 MB  MCE::Shared::Hash (unordered)
 0.437 secs.  49 MB  Tie::Hash::Indexed (XS)
 0.743 secs.  54 MB  MCE::Shared::Ordhash
 1.028 secs.  60 MB  Hash::Ordered
 1.752 secs. 112 MB  Tie::LLHash
  > 42 mins.  66 MB  Tie::IxHash

Using the same demonstration above, another usage pattern inside MCE::Hobo involves orderly hash-key deletion. For example, waiting for and joining all Hobos provided by "MCE::Hobo->list".

 for ( $oh->keys ) { $oh->delete($_) }

 0.353 secs.  35 MB  MCE::Shared::Hash (unordered)
 0.349 secs.  49 MB  Tie::Hash::Indexed (XS)
 0.452 secs.  41 MB  MCE::Shared::Ordhash
 0.735 secs.  54 MB  Hash::Ordered
 1.338 secs. 112 MB  Tie::LLHash
  > 42 mins.  66 MB  Tie::IxHash

No matter if orderly or randomly, even backwards, hash-key deletion in "MCE::Shared::Ordhash" performs reasonably well. The following provides the construction used for the modules mentioned.

 my $oh = Hash::Ordered->new();
    $oh->set($_,$_);   $oh->keys;  $oh->delete($_);

 my $oh = Tie::Hash::Indexed->new();
    $oh->set($_,$_);   $oh->keys;  $oh->delete($_);

 my $oh = Tie::IxHash->new();
    $oh->STORE($_,$_); $oh->Keys;  $oh->DELETE($_);

 my $oh = tie my %hash, 'Tie::LLHash';
    $oh->last($_,$_);  keys %hash; $oh->DELETE($_);

Hash::Ordered is supported for use with MCE::Shared. This includes on-demand hash-like dereferencing, similarly to "hash" and "ordhash".

 use feature 'say';

 use MCE::Hobo;
 use MCE::Shared;
 use Hash::Ordered; # 0.010 or later

 my $ha = MCE::Shared->hash();    # shared MCE::Shared::Hash
 my $oh = MCE::Shared->ordhash(); # shared MCE::Shared::Ordhash

 my $ho = MCE::Shared->share( Hash::Ordered->new() );

 sub parallel_task {
    my ($id) = @_;

    # OO interface
    if ($id == 1) {
       $ha->set("$id", "foo");
       $oh->set("$id", "foo");
       $ho->set("$id", "foo");
    # hash-like dereferencing
    elsif ($id == 2) {
       $ha->{"$id"} = "baz";
       $oh->{"$id"} = "baz";
       $ho->{"$id"} = "baz";


 MCE::Hobo->create("parallel_task", $_) for 1..2;

 say $ha->{"1"};     # foo
 say $oh->{"1"};
 say $ho->{"1"};

 say $ha->get("2");  # baz
 say $oh->get("2");
 say $ho->get("2");

  • Hash::Ordered
  • Tie::Hash::Indexed
  • Tie::IxHash
  • Tie::LLHash

MCE, MCE::Hobo, MCE::Shared

Mario E. Roy, <marioeroy AT gmail DOT com>
2022-02-20 perl v5.32.1

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