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Mail::Spool(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Mail::Spool(3) |
Mail::Spool - Extensible Perl Mail Spooler
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package MyPackage;
use Mail::Spool;
@ISA = qw(Mail::Spool);
my $spool = Mail::Spool->new();
$spool->dequeue_dir = '/var/spool/mail';
# OR
use Mail::Spool qw(send_mail);
my $args = {to => 'anybody@in.the.world',
from => 'me@right.here.local',
delivery => 'Interactive', # or Deferred
timeout => 2 * 60, # two minutes
filename =>
#or# message => $scalar,
#or# message => \$scalar,
#or# message => $a_mail_internet_object,
#or# filehandle => $open_io_handle,
my $spool = Mail::Spool->new();
eval{ $spool->send_mail($args) };
# OR
eval{ send_mail($args) };
if( $@ ){
die "Something went wrong [$@]";
Visit http://seamons.com/ for the latest version.
Mail::Spool is a "pure perl" implementation of mail spooling,
unspooling and sending. It is intended to be used with daemons such as
Net::Server::SMTP (to be released soon), but it also contains its own daemon
(based off of Net::Server::Fork) that can be used if necessary.
It is also intended to be used as a quick spooling mechanism for
perl scripts. As it can write straight to the queue without opening another
The send_mail method allows for either Deferred or Interactive
sending of mail.
As of this writing, a version Mail::Spool has been in use in
production for three months spooling and sending about 200MB a day in
several thousand messages.
The default setup allows for setup on multiple servers, all
sharing a common spool directory. NFS capable locking will take place in
necessary areas.
Properties of Mail::Spool are accessed methods of the same name. They may be set
by calling the method and passing the new value as an argument. For example:
my $dequeue_dir = $self->dequeue_dir;
The following properties are available:
- dequeue_dir
- Base location for the mail spool. Defaults to
$Mail::Spool::DEQUEUE_DIR which at load time
contains "/var/spool/mail".
- dequeue_periods
- An array ref containing the amount of time a message must wait in the
spool and fallback spools. Defaults to
$Mail::Spool::DEQUEUE_PERIODS which at load time
contains an array ref with 0, .5*3600, 4*3600, 8*3600, 16*3600, 24*3600,
and 48*3600 as its values. A directory for each of these times will be
created (0 will be in dequeue_dir/0, .5*3600 will be dequeue_dir/1, etc).
For a further discussion of dequeue times and methods, please read the
extended comment in the source code under the subroutine
- dequeue_priority
- An array ref containing an equal number of elements as dequeue_periods.
Elements should be integers. Defaults to
$Mail::Spool::DEQUEUE_PRIORITY which at load time
contains an array ref with 1, 3, 9, 25, 50, 100, and 200 as its values. A
lower number means higher priority. With a 20 second dequeue_timeout, a
priority of 1 checks the queue every 20 seconds, 3 checks every 60
seconds, and 200 checks every 66 minutes. For a further discussion of
dequeue times and methods, please read the extended comment in the source
code under the subroutine list_spool_handles.
- dequeue_timeout
- Seconds to wait before before looking through the queues. Defaults to
$Mail::Spool::DEQUEUE_TIMEOUT which at load time
is 20 (seconds).
- max_dequeue_processes
- Maximum number of dequeue processes to start under a daemon. Defaults to
$Mail::Spool::MAX_DEQUEUE_PROCESSES which at load
time is 20.
- max_connection_time
- Maximum amount of time to stay connected to a remote host. Defaults to
$Mail::Spool::MAX_CONNECTION_TIME which at load
time is 6*60*60 (6 hours). Messages not delivered under this time period
are queued for later delivery.
- usage_log
- Location to store raw spool usage information. Defaults to
$Mail::Spool::USAGE_LOG which at load time is
- new
- Returns an object blessed into the passed class. A hash, or hashref passed
to the the method will be set as hash keys of the object.
- daemon
- Starts a mail spool daemon using Net::Server::Fork as the back end. Will
run continuously until the main process is killed. Log information
defaults to 'Sys::Syslog'.
- create_dequeue_dirs
- May be called as a method or function. Hook to create the necessary
directories used by the spool daemon.
- list_spool_handles
- Returns a list of objects blessed into the Mail::Spool::Handle class (by
default). These handle objects represent the queue (spools) that need to
be processed at the moment. For an important discussion of architecture
and waiting times, please read the comments in the source code located
within this subroutine.
- mail_spool_handle
- Returns an object blessed into the Mail::Spool::Handle class. See
- mail_spool_node
- Returns an object blessed into the Mail::Spool::Node class. See
- dequeue
- May be called as a method or function. Run through a dequeue process. This
consists of listing spool handles, opening the spools, reading nodes from
the spools, and having the nodes fallback upon failed delivery. Dequeue is
called periodically based upon dequeue_timeout one the daemon process has
been started.
- parse_for_address
- Short wrapper around Mail::Address->parse. Should take an email address
line and return a list of objects that can support ->address,
->domain, and ->format methods. See Mail::Address.
- new_message_id
- During the send_mail process if a message is deferred, the spooler will
attempt to parse a message id from the email. If none can be found, this
method is called to generate a new id which will be used in the spooling
- send_mail
- May be called as a method or function. Send mail takes a message and
either sends it off or places it in the queue. Arguments are a hash or a
hashref. The possible arguments to send_mail are as follows:
- to
- Will be used in the "rcpt to" SMTP header (this will be parsed
out of message if not given).
- from
- Will be used in the "mail from" header (this will be parsed out
of message if not given).
- message
- My be either a scalar, a scalar ref, an array ref, or an object which
supports the following head, print, body, header, head->get,
head->add, and head->delete. Mail::Internet and MIME::Entity objects
work. If message is not given, filehandle or filename may be given.
- filehandle
- Used if message is not given. Must contain an open IO::Handle style object
(such as IO::File or IO::Scalar).
- filename
- Used if neither message or filehandle are given. Must contain the path to
a readable filename.
- delivery
- Type of delivery to be used. Must be one of the following: Deferred - put
in the spool for later (default), Standard - same as Deferred, Interative
- block until sent (or timed out) and die on failure, Background - block
until sent (or timed out) and put in spool on failure.
- timeout
- Used with delivery Interactive or delivery Background. Seconds to wait
while trying to connect to a host.
- id
- Message id to be used in the queue filename. Used under deferred delivery.
If none is given, will be parsed out of the message. If none is found,
will be generated using new_message_id.
- parse_message
- Based upon the arguments given, returns an object that possesses the
correct methods for use in the send_mail routine. Arguments may be given
either as a hash or a hashref. The main arguments are "message,"
"filehandle," or "filename.". Message may be either a
scalar or scalar ref containing the message, an array ref containing the
lines of the message, or an object which supports head, body, and print
methods (such as Mail::Internet, or MIME::Entity) (actually the object
needs to support head, print, body, header, head->get, head->add,
and head->delete). If there is no message argument, and there is a
"filehandle" argument, parse_message will create an object from
the filehandle (the filehandle should be an IO::Handle style object). If
no filehandle is given, parse_message will look for a "filename"
argument. This should be a readable filename accessible by the spooler. In
all cases, the passed message should contain the email headers necessary.
If it does not, the headers will be added as necessary. This method
returns a Mail::Internet compatible object.
- _send_mail_deferred
- Called by send_mail. Arguments should a hash or hash ref. Places the
message contained in the "message" argument into the mail spool
and returns immediately. Required arguments are "message,"
"to," "from," "id," and "msh" (a
Mail::Spool::Handle object).
- _send_mail_now
- Called by send_mail. Arguments shoud be a hash or hash ref. Required
arguments are "message," "to," "from,"
"id," "timeout," and "delivery." Looks up
the mx records of the domain found in "to" using the lookup_mx
method, and iterates through each of these records and tries to open a
connection using open_smtp_connection (times out after "timeout"
seconds). Once a connection has been established, sends the message,
testing responses using check_sock_status. If delivery is
"Background," and a connection could not be established, the
message will be queued for later delivery. Any errors die.
- check_sock_status
- Checks the status of the last smtp command. Arguments are the open socket,
the mx host, the to address, and the from address. Any errors die.
- lookup_mx
- Takes a hostname as an argument. Should return a list of the mx records
for that hostname, ordered by their priorities. This method could also be
sub classed to allow for caching of the response.
- lookup_host
- Takes a hostname as an argument. Should return a hostname or an ip
address. Intended as a means of caching records. Default is to simply
return the passed host.
- open_smtp_connection
- Takes a hostname as an argument. Returns a IO::Socket style object
containing an open connection to that host (or undef on failure). This
could be overridden to allow for holding the connection open across
several emails to the same domain.
- log_usage
- Takes a number and word as arguments. Writes this information out to a
very simple log. Intended for gathering basic spool information, such as
total bytes spooled and total bytes sent, as well as total messages
spooled and sent.
- Used to dynamically some of the property methods.
- Use It
- The best way to further the status of this project is to use it. A less
extensible version of this module has been in use for around three months
as of this writing.
- Extensions
- Explore other extenstions such as optimized read of spool directories to
order by domain. Possibly add interface to allow placing mail in postfix
and sendmail compatible queues.
- Add modules to handle DNS caching.
- Interfaces
- Add modules containing interfaces to databases, or other "file
The current setup of Mail::Spool does represent a possible denial of service if
20 or thirty messages are sent to a host that simply holds a connection open
and does nothing else during mail delivery. What should probably be done
instead is to only do one dequeue process at a time (ever) and fork off a
separate process for each mail. This will probably be coming under later
Please see also Mail::Spool::Handle, Mail::Spool::Node.
Copyright (C) 2001, Paul T Seamons
This package may be distributed under the terms of either the
GNU General Public License
or the
Perl Artistic License
All rights reserved.
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