TermsSymbolic Algebra in Pure Perl: terms.A term represents a product of: variables, coefficents, divisors, square roots, exponentials, and logs. PhilipRBrenan@yahoo.com, 2004, Perl License. PhilipRBrenan@gmail.com, 2016, Perl License. www.appaapps.com ConstructorsnewConstructor Finalization Sign and lock terms constants Useful constants newFromString New from String n Short name for "newFromString" newFromStrings New from Strings gcd Greatest Common Divisor. lcm Least common multiple. isTerm Confirm type intCheck Integer check c Coefficient d Divisor timesInt Multiply term by integer divideInt Divide term by integer negate Negate term isZero Zero? notZero Not Zero? isOne One? notOne Not One? isMinusOne Minus One? notMinusOne Not Minus One? i Get/Set i - sqrt(-1) iby i by power: multiply a term by a power of i Divide Get/Set divide by. removeDivide Remove divide Sqrt Get/Set square root. removeSqrt Remove square root. Exp Get/Set exp Log # Get/Set log vp Get/Set variable power. On get: returns the power of a variable, or zero if the variable is not present in the term. On set: Sets the power of a variable. If the power is zero, removes the variable from the term. =cut v Get all variables mentioned in the term. Variables to power zero should have been removed by "vp". clone Clone a term. The existing term must be finalized, see "z": the new term will not be finalized, allowing modifications to be made to it. split Split a term into its components signature Sign the term. Used to optimize addition. Fix the problem of adding different logs getSignature Get the signature of a term add Add two finalized terms, return result in new term or undef. subtract Subtract two finalized terms, return result in new term or undef. multiply Multiply two finalized terms, return the result in a new term or undef divide2 Divide two finalized terms, return the result in a new term or undef invert Invert a term power Take power of term sqrt2 Square root of a term exp2 Exponential of a term sin2 Sine of a term cos2 Cosine of a term log2 Log of a term id Get Id of a term zz # Check term finalized z Finalize creation of the term. Once a term has been finalized, it becomes readonly, which allows optimization to be performed. importExport "newFromStrings" to calling package with a name specifed by the caller, or as term() by default. =cutOperatorsOperator OverloadsOperator Overloads add3 Add operator. negate3 Negate operator. multiply3 Multiply operator. divide3 Divide operator. power3 Power operator. equals3 Equals operator. print3 Print operator. sqrt3 Square root operator. exp3 Exponential operator. sin3 Sine operator. cos3 Cosine operator. log3 Log operator. testTests
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