NAMEMath::GSL - Perl interface to the GNU Scientific Library (GSL)VERSIONVersion 0.43SYNOPSISuse Math::GSL::Matrix; my $matrix = Math::GSL::Matrix->new(5,5); # 5x5 zero matrix # note that columns and rows are zero-based $matrix->set_col(0, [1..5]) # set *first* column to 1,2,3,4,5 ->set_row(2, [5..9]); # set *third* column to 5,6,7,8,9 my @matrix = $matrix->as_list; # matrix as Perl list my $gsl_matrix = $matrix->raw; # underlying GSL object use Math::GSL::RNG; my $rng = Math::GSL::RNG->new; my @random_numbers = $rng->get(1000); use Math::GSL::Deriv qw/:all/; my $function = sub { my $x=shift; sin($x**2) }; my ($status,$val,$err) = gsl_deriv_central($function, 5, 0.01 ); use Math::GSL qw/gsl_version/; # get a version object for the version of the underlying GSL library, # which will stringify to a version number my $gsl_version = gsl_version(); Each GSL subsystem has its own module. For example, the random number generator subsystem is Math::GSL::RNG. Many subsystems have a more Perlish and object-oriented frontend which can be used, as the above example shows. The raw GSL object is useful for using the low-level GSL functions, which in the case of the Matrix subsytem, would be of the form gsl_matrix_* . Each module has further documentation about the low-level C functions as well as using the more intuitive (but slightly slower) object-oriented interface. SUBSYSTEMSMath::GSL::BLAS - Linear Algebra FunctionsMath::GSL::BSpline - BSplines Math::GSL::CBLAS - Linear Algebra Functions Math::GSL::CDF - Cumulative Distribution Functions Math::GSL::Chebyshev - Chebyshev Polynomials Math::GSL::Combination - Combinatoric Functions Math::GSL::Complex - Complex Numbers Math::GSL::Const - Various Constants Math::GSL::DHT - Discrete Hankel Transforms Math::GSL::Deriv - Numerical Derivative Math::GSL::Eigen - Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Math::GSL::Errno - Error Handling Math::GSL::FFT - Fast Fourier Transform Math::GSL::Fit - Curve Fitting Math::GSL::Heapsort - Sorting Heaps Math::GSL::Histogram - Histograms Math::GSL::Histogram2D - 2D Histograms Math::GSL::Integration - Numerical Integration Math::GSL::Interp - Interpolation Math::GSL::Linalg - Linear Algebra Math::GSL::Machine - Machine Specific Information Math::GSL::Matrix - NxM Matrices Math::GSL::Min - Minimization Math::GSL::Monte - Monte Carlo Integrations Math::GSL::Multifit - Multivariable Fitting Math::GSL::Multimin - Multivariable Minimization Math::GSL::Multiroots - Muiltvariable Root Finding Math::GSL::NTuple - N Tuples Math::GSL::ODEIV - Ordinary Differential Equation Solvers (Initial Value Problems) Math::GSL::Permutation - Permutations Math::GSL::Poly - Polynmials Math::GSL::PowInt - Integer Power Functions Math::GSL::QRNG - Quasi-Random Number Generators Math::GSL::RNG - Random Number Generators Math::GSL::Randist - Random Number Distributions Math::GSL::Roots - Root Finding Algorithms Math::GSL::Rstat - Running Statistics Math::GSL::SF - Special Functions Math::GSL::Siman - Simulated Annealing Math::GSL::Sort - Sorting Math::GSL::SparseMatrix - Sparse Matrices Math::GSL::Spline - Splines Math::GSL::Statistics - Statistics Functions Math::GSL::Sum - Summation Math::GSL::Sys - Sytem utility functions Math::GSL::Vector - N-dimensional Vectors Math::GSL::Wavelet - Basic Wavelets Math::GSL::Wavelet2D - 2D Wavelets AUTHORSJonathan "Duke" Leto, "<jonathan@leto.net>" and Thierry Moisan "<thierry.moisan@gmail.com>"BUGSThis software is still in active development, we appreciate your detailed bug reports and documentation patches. Please report any bugs or feature requests to the authors directly.COMPILING ISSUESSome operating system configurations will make the compilation of Math::GSL fail. One common problem that happens on RedHat Linux (RHEL) and CentOS looks like this:Error: Can't load '/usr/src/misc/perl-package/Math-GSL-0.20/blib/arch/auto/Math/GSL/Errno/Errno.so' for module Math::GSL::Errno: /usr/src/misc/perl-package/Math-GSL-0.20/blib/arch/auto/Math/GSL/Errno/Errno.so: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/DynaLoader.pm line 203. # at blib/lib/Math/GSL/Errno.pm line 10 This is due the the SE Linux setting being set to "enforcing". To Temporarily disable enforcement on a running system: /usr/sbin/setenforce 0 To permanently disable enforcement during a system startup change "enforcing" to "disabled" in ''/etc/selinux/config'' and reboot. SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc Math::GSL or online at <http://leto.net/code/Math-GSL/>
DEVELOPMENTIf you would like the help develop Math::GSL, visit us on Github <https://github.com/leto/math--gsl> and fork, send Pull Requests and/or create issues.To view the latest source code online, go to <http://github.com/leto/math--gsl/tree/master>. The latest version of Git can be found at <http://git-scm.com> . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThanks to PDX.pm, The Perl Foundation and everyone at Google who makes the Summer of Code happen each year. You rock.DEDICATIONThis Perl module is dedicated in memory of Nick Ing-Simmons.COPYRIGHT & LICENSECopyright (C) 2008-2021 Jonathan "Duke" Leto, Thierry Moisan all rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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