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NAMEMath::GSL::MatrixComplex - Complex MatricesSYNOPSISuse Math::GSL::MatrixComplex qw/:all/; my $matrix1 = Math::GSL::MatrixComplex->new(5,5); # OO interface my $matrix3 = $matrix1 + $matrix1; my $matrix4 = $matrix1 - $matrix1; if($matrix1 == $matrix4) ... if($matrix1 != $matrix3) ... my $matrix2 = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(5,5); # standard interface Objected Oriented Interface to GSL Math::GSL::MatrixComplexnew()Creates a new MatrixComplex object of the given size.my $matrix = Math::GSL::MatrixComplex->new(10,10); raw()Get the underlying GSL matrix object created by SWIG, useful for using gsl_matrix_* functions which do not have an OO counterpart.my $matrix = Math::GSL::MatrixComplex->new(3,3); my $gsl_matrix = $matrix->raw; my $stuff = gsl_matrix_complex_get($gsl_matrix, 1, 2); rows()Returns the number of rows in the matrix.my $rows = $matrix->rows; cols()Returns the number of columns in the matrix.my $cols = $matrix->cols; as_vector()Returns a 1xN or Nx1 matrix as a Math::GSL::VectorComplex object. Dies if called on a matrix that is not a single row or column. Useful for turning the output of "col()" or "row()" into a vector, like so:my $vector1 = $matrix->col(0)->as_vector; my $vector2 = $matrix->row(1)->as_vector; as_list()Get the contents of a Math::GSL::Matrix object as a Perl list.my $matrix = Math::GSL::MatrixComplex->new(3,3); ... my @matrix = $matrix->as_list; row()Returns a row matrix of the row you enter.my $matrix = Math::GSL::MatrixComplex->new(3,3); ... my $matrix_row = $matrix->row(0); col()Returns a col matrix of the column you enter.my $matrix = Math::GSL::MatrixComplex->new(3,3); ... my $matrix_col = $matrix->col(0); set_row()Sets a the values of a row with the elements of an array.my $matrix = Math::GSL::MatrixComplex->new(3,3); $matrix->set_row(0, [8, 6, 2]); You can also set multiple rows at once with chained calls: my $matrix = Math::GSL::MatrixComplex->new(3,3); $matrix->set_row(0, [8, 6, 2]) ->set_row(1, [2, 4, 1]); ... set_col()Sets a the values of a column with the elements of an array.my $matrix = Math::GSL::MatrixComplex->new(3,3); $matrix->set_col(0, [8, 6, 2]); You can also set multiple columns at once with chained calls: my $matrix = Math::GSL::MatrixComplex->new(3,3); $matrix->set_col(0, [8, 6, 2]) ->set_col(1, [2, 4, 1]); ... is_square()Returns true if a matrix is square, i.e. it has the same number of rows as columns, false otherwise.det()Returns the determinant of a matrix (computed by LU decomposition) or dies if called on a non-square matrix.my $det = $matrix->det(); zero()Set a matrix to the zero matrix.$matrix->zero; identity()Set a matrix to the identity matrix, i.e. one on the diagonal and zero elsewhere.my $I = $matrix->identity; inverse()Returns the inverse of a matrix or dies when called on a non-square matrix.my $inverse = $matrix->inverse; is_hermitian()Returns true if the matrix is hermitian, false otherwisemy $test = $matrix->is_hermitian; eigenvalues()lndet()Returns the natural log of the absolute value of the determinant of a matrix (computed by LU decomposition) or dies if called on a non-square matrix.my $lndet = $matrix->lndet(); DESCRIPTION
For more informations on the functions, we refer you to the GSL official documentation <http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/> AUTHORSJonathan "Duke" Leto <jonathan@leto.net> and Thierry Moisan <thierry.moisan@gmail.com>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSECopyright (C) 2008-2021 Jonathan "Duke" Leto and Thierry MoisanThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.