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NAMEMixin::Event::Dispatch - mixin methods for simple event/message dispatch frameworkVERSIONversion 2.000SYNOPSIS# Add a handler then invoke it package Some::Class; use parent qw(Mixin::Event::Dispatch); sub new { bless {}, shift } my $obj = Some::Class->new; # Subscribe to events - subscribers will be called with an event object, # and any event parameters, each time the event is raised. $obj->subscribe_to_event(another_event => (my $code = sub { my $ev = shift; warn "[] @_"; })); $obj->invoke_event(another_event => 'like this'); # should get output 'Event data: like this' $obj->unsubscribe_from_event(another_event => $code); # Note that handlers will be called for each instance of an event until they return false, # at which point the handler will be removed, so for a permanent handler, make sure to return 1. $obj->add_handler_for_event(some_event => sub { my $self = shift; warn "had some_event: @_"; 1; }); $obj->invoke_event(some_event => 'message here'); # Attach event handler for all on_XXX named parameters package Event::User; sub configure { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; $self->add_handler_for_event( map { (/^on_(.*)$/) ? ($1 => $args{$_}) : () } keys %args ); return $self; } DESCRIPTIONAdd this in as a parent to your class, and it'll provide some methods for defining event handlers ("subscribe_to_event" or "add_handler_for_event") and calling them ("invoke_event").Note that handlers should return 0 for a one-off handler, and 1 if it should be called again on the next event. SPECIAL EVENTSA single event has been reserved for cases where a callback dies:
METHODSinvoke_eventTakes an "event" parameter, and optional additional parameters that are passed to any callbacks.$self->invoke_event('new_message', from => 'fred', subject => 'test message'); Returns $self if a handler was found, undef if not. subscribe_to_eventSubscribe the given coderef to the named event.Called with a list of event name and handler pairs. An event name can be any string value. The handler is one of the following:
If you have an overloaded object which is both a Mixin::Event::Dispatch subclass and provides a coderef overload, it will default to event delegation behaviour. To ensure the overloaded coderef is used instead, pass \&$obj instead. All handlers will be given an event (a Mixin::Event::Dispatch::Event object) as the first parameter, and any passed event parameters as the remainder of @_. Example usage: my $parent = $obj->parent; $obj->subscribe_to_event( connect => sub { warn shift->name }, # warns 'connect' connect => $parent, # $parent->invoke_event(connect => @_) connect => \&$parent, # $parent's overloaded &{} joined => 'on_joined', # the on_joined method in $obj ); Note that multiple handlers can be assigned to the same event name. unsubscribe_from_eventRemoves the given coderef from the list of handlers for this event.Expects pairs of (event name, coderef) entries for the events to unsubscribe from. Example usage: $obj->subscribe_to_event( some_event => (my $code = sub { }), ); $obj->unsubscribe_from_event( some_event => $code, ); If you need to unsubscribe from the event currently being handled, try the "unsubscribe" in Mixin::Event::Dispatch::Event method. Returns $self. add_handler_for_eventAdds handlers to the stack for the given events.$self->add_handler_for_event( new_message => sub { warn @_; 1 }, login => sub { warn @_; 1 }, logout => sub { warn @_; 1 }, ); event_handlersAccessor for the event stack itself - should return a hashref which maps event names to arrayrefs for the currently defined handlers.clear_event_handlersRemoves all queued event handlers.Will also be called when defining the first handler to create the initial "event_handlers" entry, should be overridden by subclass if something other than $self->{event_handlers} should be used. API HISTORYVersion 2.000 (will) implement the Mixin::Event::Dispatch::Methods class.Version 1.000 implemented "subscribe_to_event" and Mixin::Event::Dispatch::Event. Version 0.002 changed to use "event_handlers" instead of " event_stack " for storing the available handlers (normally only invoke_event and add_handler_for_event are expected to be called directly). ROLE vs. MIXINRole systems might work using the Mixin::Event::Dispatch::Methods module, which allows import of the relevant methods. Try combing this with a thin wrapper using Role::Tiny / Moo::Role / Moose for that. The "t/moo-role.t" and "t/role-tiny.t" tests may provide some inspiration.Alternatively, you could perhaps use this as a component via Class::C3::Componentised. (I haven't really used any of the above options myself, please let me know if I'm spreading disinformation here) SEE ALSOThere are at least a dozen similar modules already on CPAN, here's a small sample:
Note that some frameworks such as Reflex, POE and Mojolicious already have comprehensive message-passing and callback interfaces. If you're looking for usage examples, try the following:
AUTHORTom Molesworth <cpan@perlsite.co.uk>with thanks to various helpful people on freenode #perl who suggested making "event_handlers" into an accessor (to support non-hashref objects) and who patiently tried to explain about roles. Mixin::Event::Dispatch::Methods suggested by mst, primarily for better integration with object systems such as Moo(se). LICENSECopyright Tom Molesworth 2011-2015, based on code originally part of EntityModel. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.