NAMEModule::Build::Convert - Makefile.PL to Build.PL converterSYNOPSISuse Module::Build::Convert; # example arguments (empty %args is sufficient too) %args = (Path => '/path/to/perl/distribution(s)', Verbose => 2, Use_Native_Order => 1, Len_Indent => 4); $make = Module::Build::Convert->new(%args); $make->convert; DESCRIPTION"ExtUtils::MakeMaker" has been a de-facto standard for the common distribution of Perl modules; "Module::Build" is expected to supersede "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" in some time (part of the Perl core as of 5.9.4).The transition takes place slowly, as the converting process manually achieved is yet an uncommon practice. The Module::Build::Convert Makefile.PL parser is intended to ease the transition process. CONSTRUCTORnewOptions:
METHODSconvertParses the Makefile.PL's "WriteMakefile()" arguments and converts them to "Module::Build" equivalents; subsequently the according Build.PL is created. Takes no arguments.DATA SECTIONArgument conversion"ExtUtils::MakeMaker" arguments followed by their "Module::Build" equivalents. Converted data structures preserve their native structure, that is, "HASH" -> "HASH", etc.NAME module_name DISTNAME dist_name ABSTRACT dist_abstract AUTHOR dist_author VERSION dist_version VERSION_FROM dist_version_from PREREQ_PM requires PL_FILES PL_files PM pm_files MAN1PODS pod_files XS xs_files INC include_dirs INSTALLDIRS installdirs DESTDIR destdir CCFLAGS extra_compiler_flags EXTRA_META meta_add SIGN sign LICENSE license clean.FILES @add_to_cleanup Default arguments"Module::Build" default arguments may be specified as key/value pairs. Arguments attached to multidimensional structures are unsupported.#build_requires HASH #recommends HASH #conflicts HASH license unknown create_readme 1 create_makefile_pl traditional Value may be either a string or of type "SCALAR, ARRAY, HASH". Sorting order"Module::Build" arguments are sorted as enlisted herein. Additional arguments, that don't occur herein, are lower prioritized and will be inserted in unsorted order after preceedingly sorted arguments.module_name dist_name dist_abstract dist_author dist_version dist_version_from requires build_requires recommends conflicts PL_files pm_files pod_files xs_files include_dirs installdirs destdir add_to_cleanup extra_compiler_flags meta_add sign license create_readme create_makefile_pl Begin codeCode that preceeds converted "Module::Build" arguments.use strict; use warnings; use Module::Build; $MAKECODE my $b = Module::Build->new $INDENT( End codeCode that follows converted "Module::Build" arguments.$INDENT); $b->create_build_script; $MAKECODE INTERNALSco-opting "WriteMakefile()"This behavior is no longer the default way to receive WriteMakefile()'s arguments; the Makefile.PL is now statically parsed unless one forces manually the co-opting of WriteMakefile().In order to convert arguments, a typeglob from "WriteMakefile()" to an internal sub will be set; subsequently Makefile.PL will be executed and the arguments are then accessible to the internal sub. Data::DumperConverted "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" arguments will be dumped by "Data::Dumper's" "Dump()" and are then furtherly processed.BUGS & CAVEATS"Module::Build::Convert" should be considered experimental as the parsing of the Makefile.PL doesn't necessarily return valid arguments, especially for Makefiles with bad or even worse, missing intendation.The parsing process may sometimes hang with or without warnings in such cases. Debugging by using the appropriate option/switch (see CONSTRUCTOR/new) may reveal the root cause. SEE ALSO<http://www.makemaker.org>, ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build, <http://www.makemaker.org/wiki/index.cgi?ModuleBuildConversionGuide>AUTHORSteven Schubiger <schubiger@cpan.org>LICENSEThis program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.See <http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
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