Module::Build::Kwalitee - Module::Build subclass with prepackaged tests
This module requires this bit of magic in your Build.PL:
use lib 'mbk';
use Module::Build::Kwalitee;
module_name => 'Foo::Bar',
Module::Build::Kwalitee subclasses Module::Build to provide boilerplate tests
for your project. It does this by overriding
"new()" and copying tests to your t
directory when you run 'perl Build.PL'.
Module::Build::Kwalitee gets over the bootstrapping problem by
overriding Module::Build's "distdir"
target, adding a "mbk" directory to your distribution containing a
small stub Module::Build::Kwalitee which just overrides Module::Build's
build_requires() method to add the dependencies of its tests.
Module::Build::Kwalitee tests are not automatically added to
MANIFEST so if you want them shipped with your distribution you will
have to do this manually.
Several boilerplate tests are added to t/:
- compile test
- "use strict" test
- "use warnings" tests
- POD syntax & coverage tests
- 'use lib' test
You can get the "t/003pod.t" to report which
functions are not documented by using the
"SHOW_NAKED" enviromental variable
bash$ SHOW_NAKED=1 perl -Ilib t/003compile.t
Stig Brautaset <>, Mark Fowler
<>, Norman Nunley <>,
Chia-liang Kao <>, et al.