NAMEModule::Setup::Helper - build in your application helper supportSYNOPSISscript/helper.pl is your helper scriptuse strict; use warnings; my $type = shift @ARGV; my $helper = "YourApp::Helper::$type"; eval "use $helper"; $helper->new( argv => [ @ARGV ], options => { # Module::Setup's options }, helper => { option => 'FOO_OPTION', }, )->run; lib/YourApp/Helper.pm is your application helper base class. package YourApp::Helper; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Module::Setup::Helper'; # make your application's options name prefix sub helper_option_prefix { 'yourapp' } sub helper_base_init { my $self = shift; # auto detect app module name by Makefile.PL open my $fh, '<', 'Makefile.PL' or die $!; local $/; my $makefile = <$fh>; my($module) = $makefile =~ /all_from 'lib/(.+).pm'/; unless ($module) { return $self->{options}->{module} = shift @{ $self->{argv} }; } $module =~ s{/}{::}g; $self->{options}->{module} = $module; } 1; lib/YourApp/Helper/Controller.pm is your application helper for controller package YourApp::Helper::Controller; use strict; use warnings; use base 'YourApp::Helper'; sub generate_path_option_names { qw/ target / } sub is_append_files { 1 } # append type helper sub helper_flavor_init { my $self = shift; # auto detect target name by @ARGV my $target = $self->{argv}->[0]; die 'required target name' unless $target; $self->{helper}->{target} = $target; } 1; __DATA__ --- file: lib/____var-module_path-var____/Controller/____var-yourapp_target_path-var____.pm template: | package [% module %]::Controller::[% yourapp_target %]; use base 'YourApp::Controller'; my $option = '[% yourapp_option %]'; ... some code 1; file: t/100_controller/____var-yourapp_target_path-var____.t template: | use Test::More tests => 1; use_ok '[% yourapp_app %]::Controller::[% yourapp_target %]'; run the script/helper.pl $ perl ./script/helper.pl Controller Search $ cat lib/Foo/Controller/Search.pm package Foo::Controller::Search; use base 'YourApp::Controller'; my $option = 'FOO_OPTION'; ... some code 1; $ cat t/100_controller/Search.t use Test::More tests => 1; use_ok 'Foo::Controller::Search'; Helper Hook Pointhelper_option_prefix (required)When using config of helper by template, prefix specified here is used.sub helper_option_prefix { 'foo' } in your flavor's template [% foo_bar %] # use the $self->{helper}->{bar} is_append_filesWhen this function returns truth, flavor is added to the existing application.sub is_append_files { 1 } # default is false It is the same work as the time helper of adding Controller of Catalyst. helper_base_inithelper initialize phase for your application helper base class# default sub helper_base_init { my $self = shift; $self->{options}->{module} = shift @{ $self->{argv} }; } you can set the base module name helper_flavor_inithelper initialize phase for flavor classsub helper_flavor_init { my $self = shift; $self->{helper} = { # some options for helper }; } you can set the target module name, or more options for helper $helper->{helper}->{setup_template_vars_callback} you can set the callback for setup_template_vars phase sub helper_flavor_init { my $self = shift; # set callback handler for setup_template_vars hook point $self->{helper}->{setup_template_vars_callback} = sub { my($setup, $vars) = @_; $vars->{callback_var} = 'this is callback var'; $vars->{callback_path} = 'callback/path'; }; } example is "t/Helper/Basic/Callback.pm" helper_default_pluginsPlugin which helper uses is listed.# default sub helper_default_plugins { qw/ Template Helper / } before_runIt is a phase just before helper actually starts Module::Setup.
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