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MojoMojo::Controller::Root(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
MojoMojo::Controller::Root(3) |
MojoMojo::Controller::Root - Controller to run before all others
Default action - display the error page (message.tt), for example when a
nonexistent action was requested (like
(Re)set language of current session.
Finally, use ActionClass RenderView to render the content.
At the end of any request, forward to view unless there is a template or
response, then render the template. If param 'die' is passed, show a debug
Runs for all requests, checks if user is in need of validation, and intercepts
the request if so. Also, if the requested page doesn't exist, prevents any
other actions from running, and detaches straight to "suggest" in
A way to exit from MojoMojo. Useful when testing leaks.
Marcus Ramberg <mramberg@cpan.org>
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
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