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NAMEMojolicious::Plugin::Mail - Mojolicious Plugin for send mailSYNOPSIS# Mojolicious::Lite plugin 'mail'; # Mojolicious with config $self->plugin(mail => { from => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', type => 'text/html', }); # in controller $self->mail( to => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', subject => 'Test', data => 'use Perl or die;', ); # in controller, using render $self->mail(to => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', template => 'controller/action', format => 'mail'); # template: controller/action.mail.ep % stash subject => 'Test'; use Perl or die; DESCRIPTIONMojolicous::Plugin::Mail is a plugin for Mojolicious apps to send mail using MIME::Lite.HELPERSMojolicious::Plugin::Mail contains two helpers: mail and render_mail."mail"# simple interface $self->mail( to => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', from => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', reply_to => 'reply_to+sharifulin@gmail.com', cc => '..', bcc => '..', type => 'text/plain', subject => 'Test', data => 'use Perl or die;', ); # interface as MIME::Lite $self->mail( # test mode test => 1, # as MIME::Lite->new( ... ) mail => { To => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', Subject => 'Test', Data => 'use Perl or die;', # add credentials parameters AuthUser => 'username', AuthPass => 'password', }, attach => [ # as MIME::Lite->attach( .. ) { ... }, ... }, headers => [ # as MIME::Lite->add( .. ) { ... }, ... }, attr => [ # as MIME::Lite->attr( .. ) { ... }, ... }, ); Build and send email, return mail as string. Supported parameters:
If no subject, uses value of stash parameter 'subject'. If no data, call render_mail helper with all stash parameters. "render_mail"my $data = $self->render_mail('user/signup'); # or use stash params my $data = $self->render_mail(template => 'user/signup', user => $user); Render mail template and return data, mail template format is mail, i.e. user/signup.mail.ep. ATTRIBUTESMojolicious::Plugin::Mail contains one attribute - conf."conf"$plugin->conf; Config of mail plugin, hashref. Keys of conf:
my $conf = { from => 'sharifulin@gmail.com, encoding => 'base64', type => 'text/html', how => 'sendmail', howargs => [ '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t' ], }; # in Mojolicious app $self->plugin(mail => $conf); # in Mojolicious::Lite app plugin mail => $conf; METHODSMojolicious::Plugin::Mail inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones."register"$plugin->register($app, $conf); Register plugin hooks in Mojolicious application. "build"$plugin->build( mail => { ... }, ... ); Build mail using MIME::Lite and MIME::EncWords and return MIME::Lite object. TEST MODEMojolicious::Plugin::Mail has test mode, no send mail.# all mail don't send mail BEGIN { $ENV{MOJO_MAIL_TEST} = 1 }; # or only once $self->mail( test => 1, to => '...', ); EXAMPLESThe Mojolicious::Lite example you can see in example/test.pl.Simple interface for send plain mail: get '/simple' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->mail( to => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', type => 'text/plain', subject => 'XXXX XXXXXX', data => 'XXXXXX!', ); }; Simple send mail: get '/simple' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->mail( mail => { To => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', Subject => 'XXXX XXXXXX', Data => "<p>XXXXXX!</p>", }, ); }; Simple send mail with test mode: get '/simple2' => sub { my $self = shift; my $mail = $self->mail( test => 1, mail => { To => '"XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX" sharifulin@gmail.com', Cc => '"XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX" <sharifulin@gmail.com>, Anatoly Sharifulin sharifulin@gmail.com', Bcc => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', Subject => 'XXXX XXXXXX', Type => 'text/plain', Data => "<p>XXXXXX!</p>", }, ); warn $mail; }; Mail with binary attachcment, charset is windows-1251, mimewords off and mail has custom header: get '/attach' => sub { my $self = shift; my $mail = $self->mail( charset => 'windows-1251', mimeword => 0, mail => { To => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', Subject => 'Test attach', Type => 'multipart/mixed' }, attach => [ { Data => 'Any data', }, { Type => 'BINARY', Filename => 'crash.data', Disposition => 'attachment', Data => 'binary data binary data binary data binary data binary data', }, ], headers => [ { 'X-My-Header' => 'Mojolicious' } ], ); }; Multipart mixed mail: get '/multi' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->mail( mail => { To => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', Subject => 'XXXXXX', Type => 'multipart/mixed' }, attach => [ { Type => 'TEXT', Encoding => '7bit', Data => "Just a quick note to say hi!" }, { Type => 'image/gif', Path => $0 }, { Type => 'x-gzip', Path => "gzip < $0 |", ReadNow => 1, Filename => "somefile.zip" }, ], ); }; Render mail using simple interface and Reply-To header: get '/render_simple' => sub { my $self = shift; my $mail = $self->mail(to => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', reply_to => 'reply_to+sharifulin@gmail.com'); $self->render(ok => 1, mail => $mail); } => 'render'; Mail with render data and subject from stash param: get '/render' => sub { my $self = shift; my $data = $self->render_mail('render'); $self->mail( mail => { To => 'sharifulin@gmail.com', Subject => $self->stash('subject'), Data => $data, }, ); } => 'render'; __DATA__ @@ render.html.ep <p>Hello render!</p> @@ render.mail.ep % stash 'subject' => 'XXXXXX render'; <p>XXXXXX mail render!</p> Send email via remote SMTP server. # in main $self->plugin( mail => { from => 'info@host.example', type => 'text/html', how => 'smtp', howargs => [ 'mail.host.example', AuthUser => 'me@host.example', AuthPass => '123xyz', ], } ); # in controller $self->mail( to => 'friend@hishost.example', subject => 'Test', data => 'use Perl or die;', ); SEE ALSOMIME::Lite MIME::EncWords Mojolicious Mojolicious::Guides <http://mojolicious.org>.AUTHORAnatoly Sharifulin <sharifulin@gmail.com>THANKSAlex Kapranoff <kapranoff@gmail.com>BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-mojolicious-plugin-mail at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.htMail?Queue=Mojolicious-Plugin-Mail>. We will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as we make changes.
COPYRIGHT & LICENSECopyright (C) 2010-2013 by Anatoly Sharifulin.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.