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MooseX::App::Command(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation MooseX::App::Command(3)

MooseX::App::Command - Load command class metaclasses

 package MyApp::SomeCommand;
 use MooseX::App::Command; # Also loads Moose
 option 'testattr' => (
    isa             => 'rw',
    cmd_tags        => [qw(Important! Nice))],
 command_short_description 'This is a short description';
 command_long_description 'This is a much longer description yadda yadda';
 command_usage 'script some_command --testattr 123';

By loading this class into your command classes you import all required symbols, and enable all documentation features such as:
  • Parsing command documentation from Pod
  • Setting the command documentation manually via "command_short_description" and "command_long_description"
  • Overriding the automated usage header with custom usage from Pod or via "command_usage"
  • Adding the "cmd_tags", "cmd_flag", "cmd_aliases" and "cmd_type" attributes to options

Set the short description. If not set this information will be taken from the Pod NAME or ABSTRACT section. Alternative this will be taken from the DistZilla ABSTRACT tag.

Set the long description. If not set this information will be taken from the Pod DESCRIPTION or OVERVIEW sections.

Set custom usage. If not set this will be taken from the Pod SYNOPSIS or USAGE section. If those sections are not available, the usage information will be autogenerated.

 command_strict(0); # default

If strict is enabled the program will terminate with an error message if superfluous/unknown positional parameters are supplied. If disabled all extra parameters will be copied to the extra_argv attribute.

The app_strict function in the app classes allows one to set this option globally.

2021-08-15 perl v5.32.1

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