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NAMEMooseX::Has::Sugar::Saccharin - Experimental sweetnessVERSIONversion 1.000006SYNOPSISThis is a highly experimental sugaring module. No Guarantees of stability.use MooseX::Types::Moose qw( :all ); has name => rw Str, default { 1 }; has suffix => required rw Str; has 'suffix', required rw Str; Your choice. EXPORT GROUPS":default"exports:"ro", "rw", "required",
"lazy", "lazy_build", "coerce",
"weak_ref", "auto_deref", "bare",
"default", "init_arg", "predicate",
"clearer", "builder", "trigger"
EXPORTED FUNCTIONS"bare""bare" $Typebare Str equivalent to this is => 'bare', isa => Str "ro""ro" $Typero Str equivalent to this is => 'ro', isa => Str, "rw""rw" $Typerw Str equivalent to this is => 'rw', isa => Str "required""required @rest"thisrequired rw Str is equivalent to this required => 1, is => 'rw', isa => Str, this rw Str, required is equivalent to this is => 'rw', isa => Str , required => 1 "lazy""lazy @rest"like "( lazy => 1 , @rest )""lazy_build""lazy_build @rest"like "( lazy_build => 1, @rest )""weak_ref""weak_ref @rest"like "( weak_ref => 1, @rest )""coerce""coerce @rest"like "( coerce => 1, @rest )"WARNING: Conflicts with "MooseX::Types's" "coerce" method "auto_deref""auto_deref @rest"like "( auto_deref => 1, @rest )""builder""builder $buildername"required rw Str, builder '_build_foo' is like builder => '_build_foo' "predicate""predicate $predicatename"see "builder""clearer""clearer $clearername"see "builder""init_arg""init_arg $argname"see "builder""default""default { $code }"Examples:default { 1 } default { { } } default { [ ] } default { $_->otherfield } $_ is localized as the same value as $_[0] for convenience ( usually $self ) "trigger""trigger { $code }"Works exactly like default.CONFLICTSMooseX::Has::SugarMooseX::Has::Sugar::MinimalThis module is not intended to be used in conjunction with ::Sugar or ::Sugar::MinimalWe export many of the same symbols and its just not very sensible. MooseX::TypesMoose::Util::TypeConstraintsdue to exporting the "coerce" symbol, using us in the same scope as a call touse MooseX::Types .... or use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints will result in a symbol collision. We recommend using and creating proper type libraries instead, ( which will absolve you entirely of the need to use MooseX::Types and MooseX::Has::Sugar(::*)? in the same scope ) Perl 5.010 feature 'switch'the keyword 'default' becomes part of Perl in both these cases:use 5.010; use feature qw( :switch ); As such, we can't have that keyword in that scenario. AUTHORKent Fredric <kentnl@cpan.org>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSEThis software is copyright (c) 2017 by Kent Fredric <kentfredric@gmail.com>.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.