Net::Amazon::Result::Seller::Listing - Class for a single Listing of a Seller
for($seller_search_resp->result()->seller()->listings()) {
print $_->as_string(), "\n";
"Net::Amazon::Result::Seller::Listing" is a
container for a single listing owned by a third-party seller, who is
represented by a
"Net::Amazon::Result::Seller" object.
An object of this class is also returned by an
"Exchange" request, using
"result" method.
- ExchangeStartDate()
- ExchangeConditionType()
- ExchangeCondition()
- ExchangeSubCondition()
- ExchangeAsin()
- ExchangeSellerId()
- ExchangeEndDate()
- ExchangePrice()
- ExchangeAmount()
- ExchangeCurrencyCode()
- ExchangeStatus()
- ExchangeId()
- ExchangeTitle()
- ExchangeQuantityAllocated()
- ExchangeQuantity()
- ExchangeSellerNickname()
- ListingId()
Mike Schilli, <>
Copyright 2004 by Mike Schilli <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.