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NAMENet::Blogger::Engine::Userland::metaWeblog - UserLand metaWeblog API engineSYNOPSISmy $radio = Blogger->new(engine=>"radio"); $radio->Proxy(PROXY); $radio->Username(USERNAME); $radio->Password(PASSWORD); $radio->metaWeblog()->newPost( title=>"hello", description=>"world", publish=>1, ); DESCRIPTIONImplements the UserLand metaWeblog API functionality.This package is meant to be subclassed. It should not be used on it's own. OBJECTS METHODS$pkg->newPost(\%args)Valid arguments are :
Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible. Returns an int, or false. $pkg->getRecentPosts(\%args)Returns the most recent postsValid arguments are:
$pkg->newMediaObject(\%args)Valid argument are :
Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible. Returns a hash reference, or undef. $pkg->editPost(\%args)
Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible. Returns true or false. $pkg->getPost(\%args)Valid arguments are :
Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible. Returns a hash reference or undef. $pkg->getCategories()Returns an array reference or undef.VERSION1.0DATE$Date: 2005/03/26 19:29:08 $AUTHORAaron Straup CopeSEE ALSOhttp://www.xmlrpc.com/metaWeblogApihttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/weblog-devel/message/200 FOOTNOTES
LICENSECopyright (c) 2002-2005 Aaron Straup Cope. All Rights Reserved.This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.