NAMENet::Connection::Sort - Sorts array of Net::Connection objects.VERSIONVersion 0.0.1SYNOPSISuse Net::Connection::Sort; use Net::Connection; use Data::Dumper; my @objects=( Net::Connection->new({ 'foreign_host' => '', 'local_host' => '', 'foreign_port' => '22', 'local_port' => '11132', 'sendq' => '1', 'recvq' => '0', 'state' => 'ESTABLISHED', 'proto' => 'tcp4' }), Net::Connection->new({ 'foreign_host' => '', 'local_host' => '', 'foreign_port' => '22', 'local_port' => '11132', 'sendq' => '1', 'recvq' => '0', 'state' => 'ESTABLISHED', 'proto' => 'tcp4' }), Net::Connection->new({ 'foreign_host' => '', 'local_host' => '', 'foreign_port' => '22', 'local_port' => '11132', 'sendq' => '1', 'recvq' => '0', 'state' => 'ESTABLISHED', 'proto' => 'tcp4' }), Net::Connection->new({ 'foreign_host' => '', 'local_host' => '', 'foreign_port' => '22', 'local_port' => '11132', 'sendq' => '1', 'recvq' => '0', 'state' => 'ESTABLISHED', 'proto' => 'tcp4' }), ); my $sort_args={ type=>'host_f', invert=>0, }; my $mcs; eval{ $mcs=Net::Connection::Sort->new( $sort_args ); }; if ( ! defined( $mcs ) ){ print "Failed to init the sorter... ".$@; } my @sorted=$mcs->sorter( \@objects ); print Dumper( \@sorted ); METHODSnewThis initiates the module.One argument is taken and that is a hash ref with two possible keys, 'type' and 'invert'. If not passed or any of the keys are undef, then the defaults will be used. 'type' is the module to use. It is relative to 'Net::Connection::Sort', so 'host_f' becomes 'Net::Connection::Sort::host_f'. my $sort_args={ type=>'host_f', invert=>0, }; my $mcs; eval{ $ncs=Net::Connection::Sort->new( $sort_args ); }; if ( ! defined( $mcs ) ){ print "Failed to init the sorter... ".$@; } sorterThis sorts the array of Net::Connection objects.One object is taken and that is a array of objects. my @sorted=$mcs->sorter( \@objects ); print Dumper( \@sorted ); AUTHORZane C. Bowers-Hadley, "<vvelox at vvelox.net>"BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-net-connection-sort at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <https://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Net-Connection-Sort>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc Net::Connection::Sort You can also look for information at:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSLICENSE AND COPYRIGHTThis software is Copyright (c) 2019 by Zane C. Bowers-Hadley.This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
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