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NAMENet::FS::Gmail - store and retrieve files on GmailSYNOPSISmy $fs = Net::FS::Gmail->new( username => $user, password => $pass ); $fs->store("file.txt"); $fs->store("piccy.jpg", "renamed_piccy.jpg"); open (FILE, ">output.jpg") || die "Couldn't write to file: $!\n"; binmode (FILE); print FILE $fs->retrieve("renamed_piccy.jpg"); close (FILE); METHODSnewTakes the same options as Mail::Webmail::Gmailstore <filename> [as]Store the file <filename> on Gmail. If a second filename is given then use that as the name on GMailretrieve <filename> [version]Get <filename> from Gmail.If the file has multiple versions then you can pass in a version number to get version - 1 being the oldest. If you don't pass in a version then you get the latest. versions <filename>Returns a list of all the versions of a fileEach item on the list is a hashref containing the date the file was saved and the id of that version using the keys timestamp and id respectively. The list is sorted, latest version first. filesGet a list of all the files on the systemdelete <file> [version]Delete a file. If you pass a version number than only delete that version.remove <file> [version]The same as remove except that the file is merely moved to the trash.quotaGet your current remaining quota, just like in Mail::Webmail::Gmail i.e returns a scalar with the amount of MB remaining in you account.If called in list context, returns an array as follows: [ Used, Total, Percent Used ] [ "0 MB", "1000 MB", "0%" ] AUTHORSimon Wistow <simon@thegestalt.org>COPYRIGHTCopyright 2006, Simon WistowReleased under the same terms as Perl itself