Net::FreshBooks::API::Invoice - FreshBooks Invoice access
my $fb = Net::FreshBooks::API->new({ ... });
my $invoice = $fb->invoice;
Create an invoice in the FreshBooks system.
my $invoice =
my $invoice = $fb->invoice->get({ invoice_id => $invoice_id });
my $invoice = $fb->invoice->get({ invoice_id => $invoice_id });
# update after edits
$invoice->organization('Perl Foundation');
# or immediately
$invoice->update( { organization => 'Perl Foundation', } );
Returns a Net::FreshBooks::API::Links object, which returns FreshBooks URLs.
print "send this url to client: " . $invoice->links->client_view;
Returns a Net::FreshBooks::API::Iterator object.
# list unpaid invoices
my $invoices = $fb->invoice->list({ status => 'unpaid' });
while ( my $invoice = $invoices->next ) {
print $invoice->invoice_id, "\n";
Returns an ARRAYREF of Net::FreshBooks::API::InvoiceLine objects
foreach my $line ( @{ $invoice->lines } ) {
print $line->amount, "\n";
Create a new Net::FreshBooks::API::InvoiceLine object and add it to the end of
the list of lines
my $bool = $invoice->add_line(
{ name => "Yard Work", # (Optional)
description => "Mowed the lawn.", # (Optional)
unit_cost => 10, # Default is 0
quantity => 4, # Default is 0
tax1_name => "GST", # (Optional)
tax2_name => "PST", # (Optional)
tax1_percent => 8, # (Optional)
tax2_percent => 6, # (Optional)
Send the invoice by email.
my $result = $invoice->send_by_email();
Send the invoice by snail mail.
my $result = $invoice->send_by_snail_mail();
This class gives you access to FreshBooks invoice information.
Net::FreshBooks::API will construct this object for you.
- Edmund von der Burg <>
- Olaf Alders <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Edmund von der Burg & Olaf Alders.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.