NAMENet::Google::Analytics::Response - Google Analytics API responseVERSIONversion 3.03SYNOPSISmy $res = $analytics->retrieve($req); die("GA error: " . $res->error_message) if !$res->is_success; print "Results: 1 - ", $res->num_rows, " of ", $res->total_results, "\n\n"; for my $row (@{ $res->rows }) { print $row->get_source, ": ", $row->get_visits, " visits, ", $row->get_bounces, " bounces\n"; } print "\nTotal: ", $res->totals("visits"), " visits, ", $res->totals("bounces"), " bounces\n"; DESCRIPTIONResponse class for Net::Google::Analytics web service.CONSTRUCTORnewACCESSORSis_successTrue for successful requests, false in case of an error.codeThe HTTP status code.messageThe HTTP status message.contentIn case of an error, this field contains a JSON string with additional information about the error from the response body.error_messageThe full error message.total_resultsThe total number of results for the query, regardless of the number of results in the response.start_indexThe 1-based start index of the result rows.items_per_pageThe number of rows returned.contains_sampled_dataReturns true if the results contain sampled data.profile_infoA hashref containing information about the analytics profile.num_rowsThe number of rows on this result page.rowsAn arrayref of result rows of type Net::Google::Analytics::Row.dimensionsAn array of all dimension names without the 'ga:' prefix and converted to lower case with underscores.metricsAn array of all metric names without the 'ga:' prefix and converted to lower case with underscores.METHODStotalsmy $total = $res->totals($metric); Returns the sum of all results for a metric regardless of the actual subset of results returned. $metric is a metric name without the 'ga:' prefix and converted to lower case with underscores. projectmy $projected = $res->project(\@proj_dim_names, \&projection); Projects the dimension values of every result row to new dimension values using subroutine reference \&projection. The metrics of rows that are mapped to the same dimension values are summed up. Argument \@proj_dim_names is an arrayref containing the names of the new dimensions. The projection subroutine takes as single argument a Net::Google::Analytics::Row object and must return an array of dimension values. Returns a new response object. The following example maps a single dimension of type ga:pagePath to categories. my $projected = $res->project([ 'category' ], sub { my $row = shift; my $page_path = $row->get_page_path; return ('flowers') if $page_path =~ m{^/(tulips|roses)}; return ('fruit') if $page_path =~ m{^/(apples|oranges)}; return ('other'); }); AUTHORNick Wellnhofer <wellnhofer@aevum.de>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSEThis software is copyright (c) 2015 by Nick Wellnhofer.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
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