Net::Google::Calendar::FeedLink - represents a link to a feed
my @feeds = $comments->feeds;
foreach my $feed (@feeds) {
print "There are ".$feed->count_hint." comments in this feed\n";
print "Is this feed read only? ".$feed->read_only."\n";
print "This feed ".(($feed->href)? "is" : "isn't" )." remote\n";
print "This feed is of type ".$feed->rel."\n";
my $atom = $cal->get_feed($feed->feed); # $obj is an XML::Atom::Feed
foreach my $comment ($atom->entries) {
print "\t".$comment->title."\n";
Hints at the number of entries in the feed. Depending on the implementation, may
not be a precise count.
Specifies whether the contained feed is read-only.
Specifies the link relation; allows the service to provide multiple types of
feed links for a single entity. Has the same semantics and allowed values as
the rel attribute of the <atom:link> element.
Specifies the feed URI. If the nested feed is embedded and not linked, this
attribute may be omitted.
Get the Atom feed.
Returns a URI object if the feed is remote or a scalar containing
an XML::Atom::Feed object