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NAMENet::Google::PicasaWeb - use Google's Picasa Web APIVERSIONversion 0.11SYNOPSISuse Net::Google::PicasaWeb; my $service = Net::Google::PicasaWeb->new; # Login via one of these $service->login('jondoe@gmail.com', 'north23AZ'); # Working with albums (see Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Album) my @albums = $service->list_albums( user_id => 'jondoe'); $album->title('Quick Trip To Italy'); # Listing photos (see Net::Google::PicasaWeb::MediaEntry) my @photos = $album->list_media_entries; my @recent = $album->list_media_entries( max_results => 10 ); my @puppies = $album->list_media_entries( q => 'puppies' ); my @all_puppies = $service->list_media_entries( q => 'puppies' ); # Updating/Deleting photos (or video) $photo->title('Plz to love RealCat'); # Listing tags my @user_tags = $service->list_tags( user_id => 'jondoe' ); my @album_tags = $album->list_tags; my @photo_tags = $photo->list_tags; # Listing comments (see Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Comment) my @recent = $service->list_comments( user_id => 'jondoe', max_results => 10 ); my @photo_comments = $photo->list_comments; ATTRIBUTESThis module uses Moose to handle attributes and such. These attributes are readable, writable, and may be passed to the constructor unless otherwise noted.authenticatorThis is an Net::Google::AuthSub object used to handle authentication. The default is an instance set to use a service of "lh2" and a source of "Net::Google::PicasaWeb-VERSION".user_agentThis is an LWP::UserAgent object used to handle web communication.service_base_urlThis is the base URL of the API to contact. This should probably always be "http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/" unless Google starts providing alternate URLs or someone has a service providing the same API elsewhere..xml_namespacesWhen parsing the Google Data API response, these are the namespaces that will be used. By default, this is defined as:{ 'http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/' => 'media', 'http://schemas.google.com/photos/2007' => 'gphoto', 'http://www.georss.org/georss' => 'georss', 'http://www.opengis.net/gml' => 'gml', } You may add more namespaces to this list, if needed. METHODSnewmy $service = Net::Google::PicasaWeb->new(%params); See the "ATTRIBUTES" section for a list of possible parameters. loginmy $success = $service->login($username, $password, %options); This is a shortcut for performing: $service->authenticator->login($username, $password, %options); It has some additional error handling. This method will return a true value on success or die on error. See Net::Google::AuthSub. list_albumsmy @albums = $service->list_albums(%params); This will list a set of albums available from Picasa Web Albums. If no %params are set, then this will list the albums belonging to the authenticated user. If the user is not authenticated, this will probably not return anything. Further control is gained by specifying one or more of the following parameters:
This method also takes the "STANDARD LIST OPTIONS". get_albummy $album = $service->get_album( user_id => 'hanenkamp', album_id => '5143195220258642177', ); This will fetch a single album from the Picasa Web Albums using the given "user_id" and "album_id". If "user_id" is omitted, then "default" will be used instead. This method returns "undef" if no such album exists. list_tagsReturns a list of tags that have been used by the logged user or the user named in the "user_id" parameter.This method accepts this parameters:
This method also takes all the "STANDARD LIST OPTIONS". list_commentsReturns comments on photos for the current account or the account given by the "user_id" parameter.It accepts the following parameters:
This method also accepts the "STANDARD LIST OPTIONS". get_commentmy $comment = $service->get_comment( user_id => $user_id, album_id => $album_id, photo_id => $photo_id, comment_id => $comment_id, ); Retrieves a single comment from Picasa Web via the given "user_id", "album_id", "photo_id", and "comment_id". If "user_id" is not given, "default" will be used. Returns "undef" if no matching comment is found. list_media_entrieslist_photoslist_videosReturns photos and videos based on the query options given. If a "user_id" option is set, the photos returned will be those related to the named user ID. Without a user ID, the photos will be pulled from the general community feed.It accepts the following parameters:
This method also accepts the "STANDARD LIST OPTIONS". The "list_photos" and "list_videos" methods are synonyms for "list_media_entries". get_media_entryget_photoget_videomy $media_entry = $service->get_media_entry( user_id => $user_id, album_id => $album_id, photo_id => $photo_id, ); Returns a specific photo or video entry when given a "user_id", "album_id", and "photo_id". If "user_id" is not given, "default" will be used. If no such photo or video can be found, "undef" will be returned. HELPERSThese helper methods are used to do some of the work.requestmy $response = $service->request($method, $path, $query, $content); This handles the details of making a request to the Google Picasa Web API. get_entrymy $entry = $service->get_entry($class, $path, %params); This is used by the "get_*" methods to pull and initialize a single object from Picasa Web. list_entriesmy @entries = $service->list_entries($class, $path, %params); This is used by the "list_*" methods to pull and initialize lists of objects from feeds. STANDARD LIST OPTIONSSeveral of the listing methods return entries that can be modified by setting the following options.
BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-Net-Google-PicasaWeb at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Net-Google-PicasaWeb>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc Net::Google::PicasaWeb You can also look for information at:
AUTHORAndrew Sterling Hanenkamp <hanenkamp@cpan.org>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSEThis software is copyright (c) 2011 by Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. POD ERRORSHey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: