Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Feed - base class for feed entries
Provides some common functions for feed-based objects. This class extends
All feed-based objects have these attributes. However, they may not all be used.
The URL used to get information about the object.
The summary of the object. This is the long description of the album or caption
of the photo.
This is the author/owner of the object.
This is the URL to get the author's public albums on Picasa Web.
This is the ID that may be used with the object type to uniquely identify (and
lookup) this object.
This is the account ID of the user.
This is the geo-coded latitude of the object.
This is the geo-coded longitude of the object.
my $feed = $class->from_feed($service, $entry);
This method creates the feed object from the service object and an
XML::Twig::Elt representing the element returned descring that object.
Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.