NAMENet::NSCA::Client::Connection - Represents a connection between the client and the server.VERSIONThis documentation refers to version 0.009002SYNOPSISuse Net::NSCA::Client::Connection; # Create a new connection my $connection = Net::NSCA::Client::Connection->new( remote_host => 'nagios.example.net', remote_port => $nsca_port, ); # Send a packet $connection->send_data_packet($data_packet); DESCRIPTIONRepresents a connection between the NSCA client and server.CONSTRUCTORThis is fully object-oriented, and as such before any method can be used, the constructor needs to be called to create an object to work with.newThis will construct a new object.
ATTRIBUTES# Set an attribute $object->attribute_name($new_value); # Get an attribute my $value = $object->attribute_name; initial_packetThis is a Net::NSCA::Client::InitialPacket object which represents the initial packet received when the connection to the NSCA server was established.remote_hostRequiredThis is the host name or IP address of the remote NSCA server. remote_portRequiredThis is the port number of the remote NSCA server. server_configThis specifies the configuration of the remote NSCA server. See Net::NSCA::Client::ServerConfig for details about using this. Typically this does not need to be specified unless the NSCA server was compiled with customizations.timeoutThis is the timeout for reading from the socket. The default is set to "$DEFAULT_TIMEOUT".transport_layer_securityThis is a Net::NSCA::Client::Connection::TLS object that specifies the transport layer security that will be used when sending the data packet.socketThis is the socket object (IO::Socket::INET) that represents the TCP connection to the NSCA server.METHODSrestartThis will restart the connection.clear_transport_layer_securityThis will clear the "transport_layer_security" attribute removing any transport layer security.has_transport_layer_securityThis will return a Boolean of if the connection is protected by transport layer security.send_data_packetThis will send a data packet to the remote NSCA server. The method takes one argument which is the Net::NSCA::Client::DataPacket object. If the UNIX timestamp of the data packet is not set to the correct timestamp the server is expecting, then the data packet is cloned and the correct timestamp is set before sending the packet.CONSTANTSConstants provided by this library are protected by the Const::Fast module.$DEFAULT_TIMEOUTThis is the default timeout that will be used if no timeout value is specified.$SOCKET_READ_SIZEThis is the number of bytes that will be read from the socket at a time.DEPENDENCIES
AUTHORDouglas Christopher Wilson, "<doug at somethingdoug.com>"BUGS AND LIMITATIONSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-net-nsca-client at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Net-NSCA-Client>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.I highly encourage the submission of bugs and enhancements to my modules. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTCopyright 2009 Douglas Christopher Wilson.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:
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