Net::NSCA::Client::ServerConfig - Specify configuration data for the remote NSCA
This documentation refers to version 0.009002
use Net::NSCA::Client::ServerConfig;
# Specify the non-default server configuration
my $config = Net::NSCA::Client::ServerConfig->new(
max_hostname_length => 100,
max_description_length => 128,
max_pluginoutput_length => 3072, # 3 KiB!
# Create a new connection with the configuration
my $connection = Net::NSCA::Client::Connection->new(
remote_host => '',
server_config => $config,
# Create a new client with the configuration
my $nsca = Net::NSCA::Client->new(
remote_host => '',
server_config => $config,
# Data packets will adhere to the server configuration
hostname => '',
service => 'MYSQL',
message => $plugin_output,
status => $Net::NSCA::Client::STATUS_OK,
When NSCA is compiled, there are constants that define the size of the packets
that will be generated and accepted. If NSCA was compiled with custom values
for these constants, then this module will allow the client to generate
corresponding packets.
This is fully object-oriented, and as such before any method can be used, the
constructor needs to be called to create an object to work with.
This will construct a new object.
- new(%attributes)
- %attributes is a HASH where the keys are
attributes (specified in the "ATTRIBUTES" section).
- new($attributes)
- $attributes is a HASHREF where the keys are
attributes (specified in the "ATTRIBUTES" section).
# Get an attribute
my $value = $object->attribute_name;
This specifies the byte length of the initialization vector in the initial
packet as specified in the
This specifies the maximum description length in bytes as specified in the
This specifies the maximum host name length in bytes as specified in the
This specifies the maximum service message (plugin output) length in bytes as
specified in the "MAX_PLUGINOUTPUT_LENGTH"
constant in common.h.
This takes another Net::NSCA::Client::ServerConfig instance and returns a
Boolean specifying if the two server configurations are compatible with each
other. This method is also accessible through an overloaded
"==" and
This takes a HASHREF that specify the members of the C structure and the values
to pack in each member. This will return a string that is the raw packed byte
This takes a HASHREF that specify the members of the C structure and the values
to pack in each member. This will return a string that is the raw packed byte
This takes the raw packet as the first argument and a HASHREF (as specified in
"pack_data_packet") as the second argument. The first argument (the
raw packet) may be a scalar reference and the packet will be modified in
place. The new raw packet or the same scalar reference will be returned, based
on if the first argument was a scalar reference or not.
# Repack by copying packet around
my $no_crc32 = $packer->repack_data_packet($raw_packet, {crc32_value => 0});
# Repack in place
$packer->repack_data_packet(\$raw_packet, {crc32_value => 0});
This takes the raw packet as the first argument and a HASHREF (as specified in
"pack_initial_packet") as the second argument. The first argument
(the raw packet) may be a scalar reference and the packet will be modified in
place. The new raw packet or the same scalar reference will be returned, based
on if the first argument was a scalar reference or not. See
"repack_data_packet" for usage examples.
This takes the raw packet and returns a HASHREF of the C structure names and
values. The raw packet may be given as a string or as a scalar reference.
This takes the raw packet and returns a HASHREF of the C structure names and
values. The raw packet may be given as a string or as a scalar reference.
- Const::Fast
- Convert::Binary::C 0.74
- List::MoreUtils
- Moose 0.89
- MooseX::StrictConstructor 0.08
- namespace::clean 0.04
Douglas Christopher Wilson, "<doug at>"
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
"bug-net-nsca-client at", or
through the web interface at
<>. I will
be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug
as I make changes.
I highly encourage the submission of bugs and enhancements to my
Copyright 2009 Douglas Christopher Wilson.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of either:
- the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version,
- the Artistic License version 2.0.