NAMENet::OAI::Error - OAI-PMH errors.SYNOPSISDESCRIPTIONNote: Actually this class implements the SAX filter which processes (and forwards) all top-level OAI-PMH elements.Specifically the following events are not forwarded: OAI-PMH itself, request, responseDate and error. Thus only events for the elements corresponding to the individual OAI-PMH verbs are forwarded. METHODSnew()errorCode()Returns an OAI error if one was encountered, or the empty string if no errors were associated with the OAI request.
For more information about these error codes see: <http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html#ErrorConditions>. errorString()Returns a textual description of the error that was encountered, or an empty string if there was no error associated with the OAI request.HTTPError()In case of HTTP level errors, returns the associated HTTP::Response object. Otherwise "undef".HTTPRetryAfter()In case of HTTP level errors, returns the Retry-After header of the HTTP Response object, or the empty string if no such header is persent. Otherwise "undef".TODOSEE ALSOAUTHORSEd Summers <ehs@pobox.com>
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