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Net::OpenVPN::Manage(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Net::OpenVPN::Manage(3) |
Net::OpenVPN::Manage - Manage an OpenVPN process via it's management port
Version 0.02
This module connects to the OpenVPN management interface, executes commands on
the interface and returns the results or errors that result.
1: Added the 'status_ref' method so you don't have to parse out the
values from the scalar data returned from the 'status' method
2: Changed the 'status', 'log' and 'state' methods to return array
references instead of multi-line scalars when multi-line data
is returned.
3: Made several changes to the POD text to show examples and data
types returned.
use Net::OpenVPN::Manage;
my $vpn = Net::OpenVPN::Manage->new({
# Error if unable to connect.
print $vpn->{error_msg}."\n";
exit 0;
# Get the current status table in version 2 format from the process.
my $status = $vpn->status(2);
# If method returned false, print error message.
# Otherwise print table to STDOUT.
if ( ! $status ) {
print $vpn->{error_msg};
exit 0;
} else {
print $status."\n";
All the methods in this module will return 0, or boolean false if there is any
error. In most cases an error message detailing the problem will be returned
in $obj->{error_msg}.
- $vpn = Net::OpenVPN::Manage->new({ host=>'', port=>'',
password=>'', timeout=>20 });
- Constructs a new Net::OpenVPN::Manage object to connect to the specified
process's management interface. The anonymous hash that is passed
specifies the target hostname or IP address, TCP port, and an optional
password. If no password is configured for your OpenVPN process, just omit
the password reference. Optionally, you can change the network timeout
value as well.
- $vpn->connect();
- The connect method has no arguments passed to it. This method opens the
connection to the remote host at the port specified, in the event that the
host or port provided to the object are incorrect; or if there is already
another network session to this port (OpenVPN only supports a single
management session at a time) this command will timeout.
For more extensive information on the use of the OpenVPN
management commands referenced by these methods, see the OpenVPN
documentation (http://www.openvpn.net) or at least the management help
screen (print $vpn->help();).
- $vpn->auth_retry( $arg );
- Changes the Auth failure retry mode. Arguments are: none, interact, or
# Sets auth-retry mode to 'none'
- $vpn->echo( $arg );
- Returns messages from the echo buffer or changes echo state. Arguments
are: on, off, all, or a integer designating number of lines to be
returned. The on and off arguments are really of no use here since it
changes the state of the realtime management console echo messages and our
session only connected for a brief time.
# Returns entire echo buffer
- $vpn->help();
- Returns the help screen for the management command usage as a multiline
# Prints the help screen to STDOUT
print $vpn->help();
- $vpn->hold( $arg );
- If called without an argument it returns the current hold state; if called
with an argument of: on, off, or release it changes the current hold
# Releases the hold state on the OpenVPN process.
# Prints current hold state.
print $vpn->hold();
- $vpn->kill( $arg );
- Kills the VPN connection referenced. The argument may be either the common
name of the connection or the real client IP:Port address.
# kills the connection with the common name of 'jsmith'
# kills the connection where the client is connecting from: ''
- $vpn->log( $arg );
- Returns messages from the log buffer or changes realtime log state.
Arguments are: on, off, all, or an integer designating number of lines to
be returned. The on and off arguments are really of no use here since it
changes the state of the realtime management console log messages and our
session only connected for a brief time. If logged records are requested,
they are returned as an array reference - otherwise a scalar value is
# prints the entire log buffer.
print @{$vpn->log('all')};
# turns off logging.
my $result = $vpn->log('off');
- $vpn->mute( $arg );
- If no argument is given it will show the log mute level for recurring log
messages; if called with an argument it will change the log mute level to
the value given.
# Sets the log mute level to 10.
- $vpn->net();
- This method has not been implemented. Only applicable on the Windows
- $vpn->password();
- This method has not been implemented. Only of use when the management
session is continuous - ours is not.
- $vpn->signal( $arg );
- Sends a signal to the OpenVPN daemon process. Arugments are: SIGHUP,
SIGTERM, SIGUSR1, or SIGUSR2. If the daemon is running under a non root or
Administrator|System account it will not be able to restart itself after a
reset since it won't have the priveledges required to reopen the network
interfaces. See the OpenVPN HOWTO and the OpenVPN Management Interface
# Sends SIGHUP signal to the process.
- $vpn->state();
- Either turns on or off real time state notification if called with
arguments of 'on' or 'off'; or returns current connection state
information as an array reference if called without an argument, 'all', or
some integer value that requests some X number of entries.
# Print all connection states
print @{$vpn->state()};
- $vpn->status( $arg );
- Returns the active connections status information as a multiline scalar
where the optional argument (either 1 or 2 at this time) specifies the
output format version. If called without an argument, it will return the
data in the format defaulted by the daemon.
# Print the connection status page using the version 2 format.
print $vpn->status(2);
- $vpn->status_hash( );
- Returns the active connections status information as a hash to
- $vpn->status_ref( );
- Returns the active connections status information as a reference to a hash
of arrays.
"my $r =
"$r->{TITLE}" is a scalar
showing the status TITLE.
"$r->{TIME}" is a scalar
showing the status TIME.
"$r->{GLOBAL_STATS}" is a
scalar showing the GLOBAL_STATS line.
is an array of the CLIENT_LIST column headers.
is an array of the ROUTING_TABLE column headers.
"$r->{CLIENT_LIST}" is an
array of arrays containing connection data for each active
["John Doe", "", "", "67264", "87264", "Fri Jul 7 14:20:51 2006", "1152300051"], >
["Jane Doe", "", "", "12347101", "19043721", "Tue Jul 3 12:10:05 2006", "1150000050"] >
"$r->{ROUTING_TABLE}" is
an array of arrays containing ROUTING_TABLE data for each active
connection. This structure is identical to that in
$r->{CLIENT_LIST}, with an array containing
an array of values for each connection.
["", "John Doe" ,"", "Fri Jul 7 14:41:35 2006", "1152301295"],
["", "Jane Doe" ,"", "Tue Jul 3 12:10:05 2006", "1150000050"]
my $r = $vpn->status_ref();
foreach my $array_ref ( @{$r->{CLIENT_LIST}} ){
print "Common Name: $$array_ref[0], bytes sent: $$array_ref[3], bytes recvd: $$array_ref[4]\n";
-- or to use the column heading ref --
my $r = $vpn->status_ref();
foreach my $array_ref ( @{$r->{CLIENT_LIST}} ){
print "$r->{HEADER}{CLIENT_LIST}[0]: $$array_ref[0], $r->{HEADER}{CLIENT_LIST}[3]: $$array_ref[3], $r->{HEADER}{CLIENT_LIST}[4]: $$array_ref[4]";
- $vpn->test();
- This method is not implemented. No real need to test management
- $vpn->username();
- This method has not been implemented. Only of use when the management
session is continuous - ours is not.
- $vpn->verb( $arg );
- If called without an argument it returns the log verbosity level; if
called with an argument (any valid log level) it changes the verbosity
setting to the given value.
# Change verbosity level to 1.
- $vpn->version();
- Returns a string showing the processes version information as well as the
management interface's version.
# Prints the version information to STDOUT.
print $vpn->version();
Example of CGI script that shows connected clients. Rough and definitely not
pretty, just an example... Keep in mind that to extend this, you could have
hyperlinks that callback and can disconnect sessions, print log entries, etc.
use strict;
use CGI;
use Net::OpenVPN::Manage;
my $cgi=CGI->new();
print $cgi->header();
my $vpn=Net::OpenVPN::Manage->new({host=>'openvpn.domain.com', port=>'1195', password=>'password', timeout=>'5'});
unless ($vpn->connect()){
print $vpn->{error_msg}."\n\n";
exit 0;
my $r=$vpn->status_ref();
print qq|<table border="1"><tr>|;
foreach my $heading ( @{$r->{HEADER}{CLIENT_LIST}} ){
print qq|<th>$heading</th>|;
print qq|</tr>|;
foreach my $aref ( @{$r->{CLIENT_LIST}} ){
print qq|<tr>|;
foreach my $r ( @{$aref} ){
print qq|<td>$r</td>|;
print qq|</tr>|;
print qq|</table>|;
Copyright (c) 2006 Aaron Meyer / MeyerTech.net
This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
Visit the GSP FreeBSD Man Page Interface. Output converted with ManDoc.