NAMENet::Plurk - A perl interface to Plurk APIVERSIONVersion 0.11SYNOPSISQuick summary of what the module does.Perhaps a little code snippet. use Net::Plurk; my $key = $CONSUMER_KEY; my $secret = $CONSUMER_SECRET; my $access_token = $ACCESS_TOKEN my $access_secret = $ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET my $p = Net::Plurk->new(consumer_key => $key, consumer_secret => $secret); my $p->authorize(access_token => $access_token, access_token_secret => $access_secret) my $profile = $p->get_own_profile(); $p->add_events( on_new_plurk => sub { my $plurk = shift; use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper $plurk; }, on_private_plurk => sub { my $plurk = shift; # blah }, ); $p->listen; my $json = $p->callAPI( '/api'); ... EXPORTA list of functions that can be exported. You can delete this section if you don't export anything, such as for a purely object-oriented module.FUNCTIONScallAPIEverything from hereerrorcodereturn errorcodeerrormsgreturn errormsgauthorizeauthorize with access token/secretcallAPIEverything from here_get_unique_idgiven nick_name, return unique_idget_nick_namegiven unique_id, return nick_nameget_public_profilecall /Profile/getPublicProfileget_own_profilecall /Profile/getOwnProfileget_new_plurkscall /Polling/getPlurks arguments => offset: Return plurks newer than offset, formatted as 2009-6-20T21:55:34.karmareturn user's karma, or specify user => 'who' followreturn 1 if followed someone, 0 otherwise (see errormsg) unfollowreturn 1 if unfollowed someone, 0 otherwise (see errormsg) add_plurkadd_plurk ($content, $qualifier %opt) %opt: limited_to, no_comment, lang get_plurkget_plurk ($plurk_id) $plurk_id can be base 36 encoded, or not AUTHORCheng-Lung Sung, "<clsung at cpan.org>"BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-net-plurk at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Net-Plurk>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc Net::Plurk You can also look for information at:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSCOPYRIGHT & LICENSECopyright 2009~2011 Cheng-Lung Sung, all rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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