Single Plurk data
plurk_id: The unique Plurk id, used for identification of the plurk.
qualifier: The English qualifier, can be "says", show all:
qw/ loves likes shares gives hates wants has will asks wishes was /
qw/ feels thinks says is : freestyle hopes needs wonders /
qualifier_translated: Only set if the language is not English,
will be the translated qualifier. Can be "siger" if plurk.lang is "da" (Danish).
is_unread: Specifies if the plurk is read, unread or muted. Show example data
is_unread=0 //Read
is_unread=1 //Unread
is_unread=2 //Muted
plurk_type=0 //Public plurk
plurk_type=1 //Private plurk
plurk_type=2 //Public plurk (responded by the logged in user)
plurk_type=3 //Private plurk (responded by the logged in user)
user_id: Which timeline does this Plurk belong to.
owner_id: Who is the owner/poster of this plurk.
posted: The date this plurk was posted.
If set to 1, then responses are disabled for this plurk.
If set to 2, then only friends can respond to this plurk.
content: The formatted content, emoticons and images will be turned into IMG tags etc.
content_raw: The raw content as user entered it
response_count: How many responses does the plurk have.
responses_seen: How many of the responses have the user read.
limited_to: If the Plurk is public limited_to is null.
If the Plurk is posted to a user's friends then limited_to is [0].
If limited_to is [1,2,6,3] then it's posted only to these user ids. V