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NAMENet::SPDY - SPDY protocol client and server implementationALPHA WARNINGPlease read carefully: This is an ALPHA stage software. In particular this means that even though it probably won't kill your cat, re-elect George W. Bush nor install Solaris 11 Express edition to your hard drive, it is in active development, functionality is missing and no APIs are stable.See TODO file in the distribution to learn about missing and planned functionality. You are more than welcome to join the development and submit patches with fixes or enhancements. Bug reports are probably not very useful at this point. DESCRIPTIONNet::SPDY distribution contains implementation of SPDY protocol. You probably want to use Net::SPDY::Session to implement SPDY clients and servers.SEE ALSO
CONTRIBUTINGSource code for Net::SPDY is kept in a public GIT repository. Visit <https://github.com/lkundrak/net-spdy>.Bugs reports and feature enhancement requests are tracked at <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Net::SPDY>. COPYRIGHTCopyright 2012, Lubomir RintelThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. AUTHORLubomir Rintel "lkundrak@v3.sk"