Helper class to extract information from a PKCS10 request.
Expects PEM encoded data with headers or raw binary as single
argument to new.
The PEM encoded request, 64 chars per line, with header and footer lines.
The subject (full DN) of the request as string as defined in RFC2253
Sha1 hash of the DER encoded public key. Uppercase hexadecimal with bytes
separated by a colon, e.g. A1:B2:C3....
Return the public key from the request in binary format
Same value as the transaction_id but encoded with base64 with
"urlsafe" encoding (+\ replaced by -_) as also used for the
Return the transaction_id of which is defined as the sha1 hash over the DER
encoded request in hexadecimal format.
Return the digest of the raw request which is defined as the sha1 hash over the
DER encoded "inner" request without the signature parts given in
hexadecimal format.
Note: While an RSA request has a deterministic signature
and creates an overall identical binary each time you create a CSRs from the
same data the signature of an ECC request contains a random number so the
"outer" hash will change if a client recreates a CSRs.