NAMEOpenXPKI::Server::API2 - Standardized internal and external access to sensitive functionsSYNOPSISDefault usage:use OpenXPKI::Server::API2; my $api = OpenXPKI::Server::API2->new( acl_rule_accessor => sub { CTX('config')->get('acl.rules.' . CTX('session')->data->role ) }, ); printf "Available commands: %s\n", join(", ", keys %{$api->commands}); my $api_direct = $api->autoloader; my $result = $api_direct->mycommand(myaction => "go"); # same as: $result = $api->dispatch("mycommand", myaction => "go"); Disable ACL checks when executing a command: my $api = OpenXPKI::Server::API2->new( enable_acls => 0, ); Different plugin namespace for auto-discovery: my $api = OpenXPKI::Server::API2->new( namespace => "My::Command::Plugins", ); Disable plugin auto-discovery: my $api = OpenXPKI::Server::API2->new( commands => {}, ); Manually register a plugin outside the default namespace: my @commands = $api->register_plugin("OpenXPKI::MyAlienplugin"); DESCRIPTIONPlease note that all classes in the "OpenXPKI::Server::API2::" namespace are context free, i.e. do not use the "CTX" object.Within the OpenXPKI server the API (or OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Autoloader, to be more precise) is available via "CTX('api2')". Call API commandsThis class acts as a dispatcher (single entrypoint) to execute API commands via dispatch.It makes available all API commands defined in the "OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin" namespace. For easy access to the API commands you should use the autoloader instance returned by "autoloader". Create a plugin classStandard (and easy) way to define a new plugin class with API commands: create a new package in the "OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin" namespace (any deeper hierarchy is okay) and in your package use OpenXPKI::Server::API2::EasyPlugin as described there.ATTRIBUTESlogOptional: Log::Log4perl::Logger.Default: "OpenXPKI::Server::Log->new(CONFIG => undef)->system". autoloaderReturns an instance of OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Autoloader that allows to directly call API commands:my $api = OpenXPKI::Server::API2->new( ... ); my $api_direct = $api->autoloader; $api_direct->search_cert(pki_realm => ...) enable_aclsOptional: set to FALSE to disable ACL checks when commands are executed.Default: TRUE Can only be set via constructor. acl_rule_accessorOnly if "enable_acls = 1": callback that should return the ACL configuration HashRef for the current user (role).Example: my $cfg = $api2->acl_rule_accessor->(); namespaceOptional: Perl package namespace that will be searched for the command plugins (classes).Default: "OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin" Example: my $api = OpenXPKI::Server::API2->new(namespace => "My::App::Command"); command_roleOptional: role that all command classes are expected to have. This allows the API to distinct between command modules that shall be registered and helper classes.Default: "OpenXPKI::Server::API2::PluginRole". ATTENTION: if you change this make sure the role you specify requires at least the same methods as OpenXPKI::Server::API2::PluginRole. commandsHashRef containing registered API commands and their Perl packages. The hash is built on first access, only manually set this if you want to disable the auto-discovery of plugin modules.Structure: { "API command 1" => "Perl package name", "API command 2" => ..., } METHODSadd_commandsRegister the given "command => package" mappings to the list of known API commands.register_pluginManually register a plugin class containing API commands.This is usually not neccessary because plugin classes are auto-discovered as described above. Returns a plain "list" of API commands that were found. Parameters
dispatchDispatches an API command call to the responsible plugin instance.Named parameters
my_callerReturns informations about the caller of the code that invokes this method: a list (!) as returned by Perls caller.This is like a wrapper for Perls "caller" that skips / steps over subroutines that are part of the API infrastructure (except plugins), so we get the "real" calling code. E.g. package OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::test command "who_is_it" => { ... } => sub { my ($self, $params) = @_; return $self->get_info; } sub get_info { return $self->rawapi->my_caller(1); # who invoked API command "who_is_it" } Parameters
_apply_acl_rulesEnforces the given ACL rules on the given API command parameters (e.g. applies defaults or checks ACL constraints).Returns a HashRef containing the resulting parameters. Throws an exception if the current user role is not permitted to access the given command. Parameters
_get_acl_rulesChecks if the given current OpenXPKI user's role is allowed to execute the given command.On success it returns the command configuration (might be an empty HashRef), e.g.: { param_a => { default => "lawn", match => "^la", } param_b => { force => "green", } } On failure (if user role has no access) returns undef. Parameters
_list_modulesLists all modules below the given namespace.Parameters
ACLsACLs for the API commands can be defined on a per-role basis in each OpenXPKI realm.If ACLs are enabled (see "enable_acls") then the default is to forbid all API commands. Allowed commands have to be specified per role in the realm. The structure of the configuration subtree (below the realm) is as follows: acl: <role name>: # "allow" or "deny" policy: allow commands: # deny access to this command <command1>: 0 # allow unfiltered access to this command <command2>: 1 # allow access and preprocess arguments <command3>: <parameter>: default: <string> force: <string> match: <regex> block: 1 <command4>: ... <role name>: ... The ACL processor first looks if the command name has a key in the commands tree, if no key is found the action given by policy is taken. If no policy is set, the default is deny. To allow unfiltered access to a command, set a true scalar value. To fully deny access to the command, set a false scalar value. To grant access with some control over the parameters given, use a hash where the attribute names are the keys and the value is a hash with the rules to be applied on the parameter:
INTERNALSDesign principles
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