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NAMEOpenXPKI::Server::Session::Data - data object with some helper methods but no application logicSTATIC CLASS METHODSMETHODSget_attribute_namesReturns an ArrayRef containing the names of all session attributes.Session attributesThe following methods are available to access the session attributes:getter/setter clearer -------------------------------------------------- id clear_id user clear_user userinfo clear_userinfo role clear_role tenants clear_tenants pki_realm clear_pki_realm challenge clear_challenge authentication_stack clear_authentication_stack language clear_language status clear_status ip_address clear_ip_address created clear_created modified clear_modified ui_session clear_ui_session authinfo clear_authinfo get_attributesReturns a HashRef containing names and values of all previously set session attributes.Parameters
secretSet or get the secret of the given group (default group: "").Named parameters
clear_secretClear (delete) the secret of the given group (default group: "").Named parameters
METHODSfreezeSerializes the session attributes into a string. The first characters of the string until the first colon indicate the type of serialization (encoder ID).Returns a string with the serialized data. Named parameters
thawDeserializes the session attributes from a string and sets them. Attributes which are not mentioned will not be touched.The first characters of the string until the first colon must indicate the type of serialization (encoder ID). Returns the object instance (allows for method chaining).