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OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::EvaluateSignerTrust(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::EvaluateSignerTrust(3) |
class: OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::EvaluateSignerTrust
_map_rules: scep.[% context.server %].authorized_signer_on_behalf
Evaluate if the signer certificate can be trusted. Populates the result into
several context items, all values are boolean. Checks are by default done
based on the contents of the certificate database and work only for
certificates which are found there. If you want to validate certificates from
an external CA you must import the full issuer chain and either set the
allow_external_signer flag or import the used signer certificates
- signer_trusted
- true if the complete chain is available and certificate status is not
revoked. Does NOT check for expiration.
- signer_authorized
- true if the signer matches one of the given rules. This does NOT
depend on the trust status of the certificate, so you need to check both
flags or delegate the chain validation to another component (e.g. tls
config of webserver). Will be undef in case the certificate chain
could not be validated at all or no trust rules have been found.
- signer_validity_ok
- true if the current date is within the notbefore/notafter window
- signer_revoked
- true if the certificate is marked revoked.
- signer_chain_ok
- only available with external signers, true if the certificate chain was
successfully build, false otherwise.
- signer_cert_identifier
- the identifier of the signer certificate
- signer_subject
- the subject of the signer certificate, only exported if export_subject
parameter is set
- signer_subject_key_identifier, signer_public_key_hash
- the signer_key_identifier / public_key_hash of the signer certificate, see
export_key_identifier parameter for details.
- signer_in_current_realm
- Boolean, weather the signer is an entity in the current realm
The check for authorization uses a list of rules. Those can be either given
explicitly to the rules parameter or as a pointer to the realm config.
A common pattern used in OpenXPKI is to build the path for the rules from the
server properties, e.g. the SCEP workflow uses scep.[% context.server
If rules is a scalar, it is considered to be a config path,
if it is a hash it is taken as explicitly defined ruleset.
The ruleset structure is a hash of hashes, were each entry is a
combination of one or more matching rules. The name of the rule is just used
for logging purpose:
subject: CN=scep-signer.*,dc=OpenXPKI,dc=org
identifier: AhElV5GzgFhKalmF_yQq-b1TnWg
profile: client_scep
realm: democa
The rules in one entry are ANDed together, values are full string match, except
the subject rule. If you want to provide alternatives, add multiple list
- subject
- Evaluated as a regexp against the signers full subject, therefore any
characters with a special meaning in perl regexp need to be escaped!
- profile
- Matches the name of the internal OpenXPKI profile assigned to this
certificate. This implies that the certificate was issued by us.
- realm
- The name of the realm where the certificate originates from, works also
for certificates imported into a realm. If not set, the default is the
current realm. Pass the special value _any to ignore the realm
during rule evaluation.
Special rules apply when matching on "identifier" or
- identifier
- The identifier of the certificate. This works also with external issued or
self signed certificates. realm is only matched if set explicit, so
realm: _any is the default.
- issuer_alias
- The name of an alias group as registered in the aliases table.
Matches if the certificate issuer has an active alias in the given group.
The alias item is searched in the given realm and the global realm,
setting realm: _any is ignored (search is done in the global realm
Note: The query is done at once for the given and global
realm, this might cause unexepcted behaviour when the same alias exists
in both with different validity dates (there will be a positive match if
either the local or the global realm lists the item as valid).
- root_alias
- Same as issuer_alias but queries for the root certificate
- meta_*
- Load the metadata attributes assigned to the certificate and match against
the given value.
- rules
- Usually a scalar value, taken as config path to read the rules from. Can
also be a hash that represents an explicit ruleset (see Rules).
- export_subject
- Boolean, if set the signer_subject is exported to the context.
- export_key_identifier
- Export information about the signers subject_key_identifier. As there is
an ambiguity on this term, you can switch the behaviour.
The default behaviour on any true value is to write the key
identifier read from the certificate to
signer_subject_key_identifier. If you pass hash, you get
the value of the SHA1 hash of the public key as defined in RFC5280 in
this field. If you pass both, the SHA1 has will be written as an
additional field to signer_public_key_hash.
Note: If a certificate does not contain an explicit
subject key identifier, this always falls back to the SHA1 hash.
- allow_external_signer
- Boolean, if set and the signer is not found in the local database the
activity tries to verify the certificate chain using the
validate_certificate API method.
- allow_untrusted_signer
- Boolean, if true, the rulesets are processed even if the certificate chain
could not be built or validated. This is only useful with external
- crl_check
- Only used when the certificate is an external signer. Valid values are
leaf or all, tries to use CRLs when validating the
certificate for either the lead certificate or the full chain. The
required CRLs must exist in the CRL table.
- allow_surrogate_certificate
- Boolean, if set and the signer is not found in the local database
and is self-signed the database is searched for an entity
certificate with the same subject key id. This is used e.g. in the PoP
renewal via EST/RPC.
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