panda_setsubject - set the subject string for the PDF document
void panda_setsubject (panda_pdf *output, char *value);
This function sets the value of the subject within the PDF document.
panda_pdf *document;
document = panda_open("filename.pdf", "w");
panda_setsubject(document, "Mikal's homework");
panda_checkinfo, panda_setauthor, panda_setcreator, panda_settitle,
panda_setkeywords, panda_setid
This documentation was generated for Panda 0.5.2 by autodocbook
Panda is under development by Michael Still ( All code
is Copyright Michael Still 2000 - 2003, and is released under the GNU GPL.
Code submissions are welcomed. Contact Michael at the address above if you
have something you would like to contribute.
There are no known bugs in Panda. If you find one, please contact and let me know.