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NAMEPDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Kern - Kerning tablesDESCRIPTIONKerning tables are held as an ordered collection of subtables each giving incremental information regarding the kerning of various pairs of glyphs.The basic structure of the kerning data structure is: $kern = $f->{'kern'}{'tables'}[$tnum]{'kerns'}{$leftnum}{$rightnum}; Due to the possible complexity of some kerning tables the above information is insufficient. Reference also needs to be made to the type of the table and the coverage field. INSTANCE VARIABLESThe instance variables for a kerning table are relatively straightforward.
Each subtable has a number of instance variables.
kern A two level hash array containing kerning values. The indexing is left value and then right value. In the case of type 2 tables, the indexing is via left class and right class. It may seem using hashes is strange, but most tables are not type 2 and this method saves empty array values. type Stores the table type. Only type 0 and type 2 tables are specified for TrueType so far. coverage A bit field of coverage information regarding the kerning value. See the TrueType specification for details. Version Contains the version number of the table. Num Number of kerning pairs in this type 0 table. left An array indexed by glyph - left_first which returns a class number for the glyph in type 2 tables. right An array indexed by glyph - right_first which returns a class number for the glyph in type 2 tables. left_first the glyph number of the first element in the left array for type 2 tables. right_first the glyph number of the first element in the right array for type 2 tables. num_left Number of left classes num_right Number of right classes METHODS$t->readReads the whole kerning table into structures$t->out($fh)Outputs the kerning tables to the given file$t->XML_element($context, $depth, $key, $value)Handles outputting the kern hash into XML a little more tidilyBUGS
AUTHORMartin Hosken Martin_Hosken@sil.org. See PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Font for copyright and licensing.POD ERRORSHey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: