- X1 / X2 / Y1 / Y2 The line is drawn from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2).
If neither X1 nor X2 are set, X1 is set to the lefthand margin
and X2 is set to X1 + W. If only one is set, the other is set to the
first +/- W.
If either of the Y values is not set, it is set to the current
Y value.
- W This is the width of the line to be drawn. Used only in calculating
X1/X2/Y1/Y2 and only if needed. (q.v. above) Defaults to the distance
between the left and right margins. (q.v. PAGEDEF for more information on
these parameters.)
- WIDTH This is the thickness of the line to be drawn. Defaults to 1
- COLOR This is the color to draw the line in. Defaults to black.
<line X1="1i" Y1="1i" X2="3i" Y2="2i" WIDTH="3" COLOR="0,0,255"/>
This will draw a blue line 3 pixels thick from the spot 1" in
from the left and top to the spot 3" from the left and 2" from the
Rob Kinyon (rkinyon@columbus.rr.com)