To write text in a specified spot
- TEXT This is the text for this textbox. Can be either as a parameter or as
character children of this node. Defaults to '' (the empty string).
- ALIGN / JUSTIFY This is the orientation of the text in the textbox. Legal
values are:
- Left (default)
- Center
- Right
JUSTIFY is provided for backwards compatibility, and is
- COLOR This is the color of the text
- BGCOLOR This is the color of background
- BORDER This is a boolean specifying if a border should be drawn.
Currently, the border is drawn in the same color as the text.
- LMARGIN / RMARGIN These are the paddings within the textbox for the text.
This is useful if you are listing columns of numbers and don't want them
to run into one another.
- H Normally, one would not set H, as it should be set by either the FONT or
ROW ancestor. However, it can be useful to do the following:
<font h="8" face="Times-Roman">
<textbox w="100%" h="*4">Some text here</textbox>
That will create textbox which will occupy four rows of text
at whatever size the font is set to.
- TRUNCATE_TEXT Normally, at textbox will use as many rows it needs to write
the text given to it. (It will always respect its width requirement, even
to the point of splitting words, though it tries hard to preserve words.)
However, sometimes this behavior is undesirable.
Set this to a true value and the height value will be a
requirement, not an option.
<row h="8">
<textbox w="40%" text="Some text here"/>
<textbox w="60%"><var name="Param1"/> and stuff</textbox>
This will put two textboxes on the page at the current Y-position.
The first will occupy 40% of the write-able space and contain the text
"Some text here". The second will occupy the rest and contain the
text from Param1, then the text " and stuff". (This is the only
way to mix parameters and static text in the same textbox.)
Rob Kinyon (rkinyon@columbus.rr.com)