POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Seen - Implement the 'seen' command
This little bot tracks the whereabouts of users and allows you to retrieve that
information on command.
19:59:51 * seen_bot (n=hinrik@pool-71-164-43-32.chrlwv.east.verizon.net) has joined #test_channel1
19:59:55 <foo> bar
20:00:16 * seen_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection)
20:00:27 * seen_bot (n=hinrik@pool-71-164-43-32.chrlwv.east.verizon.net) has joined #test_channel1
20:00:29 <literal> seen_bot: seen seen_bot
20:00:29 <seen_bot> literal: I last saw seen_bot at Mon Sep 22 20:00:27 2008 joining #test_channel1
20:00:34 <literal> seen_bot: seen foo
20:00:40 <seen_bot> literal: I last saw foo at Mon Sep 22 19:59:56 2008 on #test_channel1 saying: bar
20:00:45 <literal> seen_bot: seen baz
20:00:48 <seen_bot> literal: I haven't seen baz
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use IRC::Utils qw(parse_user lc_irc);
use POE;
use POE::Component::IRC::State;
use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::AutoJoin;
use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BotCommand;
use Storable;
use constant {
USER_MSG => 1,
DATA_FILE => 'seen',
SAVE_INTERVAL => 20 * 60, # save state every 20 mins
my $seen = { };
$seen = retrieve(DATA_FILE) if -s DATA_FILE;
package_states => [
main => [ qw(
sub _start {
my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
my $irc = POE::Component::IRC::State->spawn(
Nick => 'seen_bot',
Server => 'irc.freenode.net',
$heap->{irc} = $irc;
$irc->plugin_add('AutoJoin', POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::AutoJoin->new(
Channels => [ '#test_channel1', '#test_channel2' ]
$irc->plugin_add('BotCommand', POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BotCommand->new(
Commands => {
seen => 'Usage: seen <nick>'
$irc->yield(register => qw(ctcp_action join part public quit botcmd_seen));
$kernel->delay_set('save', SAVE_INTERVAL);
sub save {
my $kernel = $_[KERNEL];
warn "storing\n";
store($seen, DATA_FILE) or die "Can't save state";
$kernel->delay_set('save', SAVE_INTERVAL);
sub irc_ctcp_action {
my $nick = parse_user($_[ARG0]);
my $chan = $_[ARG1]->[0];
my $text = $_[ARG2];
add_nick($nick, "on $chan doing: * $nick $text");
sub irc_join {
my $nick = parse_user($_[ARG0]);
my $chan = $_[ARG1];
add_nick($nick, "joining $chan");
sub irc_part {
my $nick = parse_user($_[ARG0]);
my $chan = $_[ARG1];
my $text = $_[ARG2];
my $msg = 'parting $chan';
$msg .= " with message '$text'" if defined $text;
add_nick($nick, $msg);
sub irc_public {
my $nick = parse_user($_[ARG0]);
my $chan = $_[ARG1]->[0];
my $text = $_[ARG2];
add_nick($nick, "on $chan saying: $text");
sub irc_quit {
my $nick = parse_user($_[ARG0]);
my $text = $_[ARG1];
my $msg = 'quitting';
$msg .= " with message '$text'" if defined $text;
add_nick($nick, $msg);
sub add_nick {
my ($nick, $msg) = @_;
$seen->{lc_irc($nick)} = [time, $msg];
sub irc_botcmd_seen {
my ($heap, $nick, $channel, $target) = @_[HEAP, ARG0..$#_];
$nick = parse_user($nick);
my $irc = $heap->{irc};
if ($seen->{lc_irc($target)}) {
my $date = localtime $seen->{lc_irc($target)}->[USER_DATE];
my $msg = $seen->{lc_irc($target)}->[USER_MSG];
$irc->yield(privmsg => $channel, "$nick: I last saw $target at $date $msg");
else {
$irc->yield(privmsg => $channel, "$nick: I haven't seen $target");
Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson, hinrik.sig@gmail.com