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POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer(3) |
POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer - serve HTTP requests
use POE;
use POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer;
my $server = POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer->new();
$server->port( 8080 );
$server->handlers( [
'/' => new_handler('StaticHandler', './htdocs'),
'/foo' => \&foo_handler,
'/bar' => MyBarHandler->new(),
] );
my $svc = $server->create_server();
exit 0;
POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer is a POE-based HTTP server. Requests are
dispatched based on an ordered list of "prefix =>
handler" pairs.
For each pair in the handlers list in sequence, the given handler
is invoked if the prefix matches the request path. Each handler can return
either a value indicating to continue processing the request, or one telling
HTTPServer that request processing is done. Handlers may also modify the
request and tell the HTTPServer to restart the dispatch process.
HTTPServer creates a context object for each request (just a hash
reference) which it passes to each handler when invoked. Among other
standard attributes, this context object contains the
"HTTP::Request" and
"HTTP::Response" objects for the request
being processed, as well as the requested path with and without the matched
prefix. Handlers may retrieve and set attributes in this context in order to
get information and to modify the state of other handlers.
- new( %args )
- Creates a new HTTPServer object. The following arguments provide shortcuts
for the setter methods of the same name:
port (default: 8080)
handlers (default: none)
log_file (default: httpserver.log)
backstop_handler (default: the NotFoundHandler instance)
For example:
$s = POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer->new(
port => 8088,
handlers => [ '/' => new_handler("StaticHandler", "./html") ],
log_file => "/var/log/myhttp.log",
backstop_handler => \&my_backstop,
"new()" does not install a
POE component in the kernel. Use
"create_server()" to do this, once the
server is appropriately configured.
- log_file( $filename ), log_file( )
- Returns and (optionally) sets the filename for the request log file. This
log lists all requests handled by the server in a format similar to common
httpd log format. By default, this file name will be
- port( $port ), port( )
- Returns and (optionally) sets the port for the server to listen on. If not
explicitly set, the server will listen on port 8080.
- handlers( $handlers_listref ), handlers(
- Returns and (optionally) sets the list of request handlers. This accepts
and returns an array reference. The list referenced by the return value
may be modifed, should you prefer to manipulate the handler list that way.
By default, this list is empty.
See "Request Handlers".
- backstop_handler( $handler ), backstop_handler(
- Returns and (optionally) sets the backstop handler, the handler invoked if
none of the configured handlers finalize the request. If not specified,
the server will use the instance of
- create_server( )
- Sets up and installs the POE server component in the POE kernel. The newly
created component object is returned.
- dispatch( $context, $full_request_path
- Dispatch the current request, as set up in the
$context. This is intended for redispatching
requests to specific server-relative locations. If
$full_request_path is not provided, the context
attribute "fullpath" will be used, as
set (originally) by the HTTPServer on recieving a new request.
HTTPServer saves a reference to itself in the context under
the key "dispatcher", allowing you to
call this method inside handlers like this:
$context->{dispatcher}->dispatch( $context, $newpath );
The following methods should be considered private, but may be of interest when
subclassing HTTPServer.
- _init( @args )
- Called by "new()" to initialize newly
created objects.
- _get_dispatcher( )
- Badly named: returns the coderef for POE::Component::Server::TCP's
"ClientInput" property. This is the
coderef that does the request dispatching work.
- _request_log( )
- Logs a request.
The following subroutines are exported by default:
- new_handler( $short_handler_name, @args
- This is a shortcut for
"POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::$short_handler_name"->new( @args );
which is significantly less typing for handlers in the default
package. This is intended for use when setting the list of handlers.
Request handlers are used to service incoming requests. Each handler in turn is
associated with a relative request URI prefix, and may choose to either
finalize the request processing or let it continue.
The prefixes are regular expressions, to be matched against the
beginning of the request URI (eg, assume a prepended "^"). Each
handler in sequence is invoked if the request matches this prefix.
The handlers themselves may be either an object implementing the
interface in
"POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer", or a
subroutine reference. In the first case, HTTPServer will can the object's
"handle()" method, and in the second,
HTTPServer will execute the subroutine reference. In both cases, HTTPServer
will pass the context object to the method or sub as an argument.
HTTPServer always sets certain attributes in the context before
invoking the request:
- $context->{request}
- The HTTP::Request object holding the request message data.
- $context->{response}
- The HTTP::Response object to use to build the response message.
- $context->{fullpath}
- The full relative path of the request URI. This is initially equal to
but may be modified by request handlers.
- $context->{contextpath}
- The part of the request path after the prefix which matched for the
request handler being invoked.
- $context->{dispatcher}
- The dispatcher (HTTPServer) processing this request. Request handlers may
use this object's "dispatch()" method to
redispatch the request.
Each request handler is passed the context as an argument.
Handlers should return either H_CONT, indicating that request processing
should continue, or H_FINAL, indicating that the response has been finalized
and HTTPServer should stop and return the response message.
There are four standard basic request handlers. The package names
for each begin with POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer, but you can use
"HTTPServer::new_handler()" to avoid
typing all that. See the documentation for each handler for more detailed
- NotFoundHandler
- Creates and finalizes a 404 Not Found response. If the context attribute
"error_message" is set, it will be
included in the response body.
An instance of NotFoundHandler is used by HTTPServer as the
backstop handler, so that requests not finalized by any other handler
result in a usable response.
- StaticHandler
- Serves filesystem resources. May also be subclassed to server interpreted
resources based on the underlying filesystem.
- ParameterParseHandler
- Extracts CGI parameters from GET and POST requests, and adds them to the
context's "param" attribute.
- BasicAuthenHandler
- Performs HTTP basic authentication: interprets request headers and sets
the context's "basic_username" and
"basic_password" attributes. Issues a
basic authen challenge response if the request has no auth headers.
This module was inspired by POE::Component::Server::HTTP, which deals with
request processing in a slightly different manner.
POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer::Handler, POE,
Greg Fast <gdf@speakeasy.net>
Copyright 2003 Greg Fast.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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