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NAMEPOEx::Role::Streaming - Provides behavior for streaming from one filehandle to anotherVERSIONversion 1.102610SYNOPSISclass MyStreamer with POEx::Role::Streaming { ... } my $streamer = MyStreamer->new ( input_handle => $some_handle, output_handle => $some_other_handle. ); POE::Kernel->run(); DESCRIPTIONPOEx::Role::Streaming provides a common idiom for streaming data from one filehandle to another. It accomplishes this by making good use of sysread and POE::Wheel::ReadWrite. This Role errs on the side of doing as many blocking reads of the "input_handle" as possible up front (until the high water mark is hit on the Wheel). If this default isn't suitable for the consumer, simply override "get_data_from_input_handle". After Streamer has exhausted the source, and flushed the last of the output, it will clean up after itself by closing the wheel, the handles, and sending all of them out of scope. If an exception happens, it will clean up after itself, and let the DIE signal propagate.PUBLIC_ATTRIBUTESinput_handleis: ro, isa: FileHandle, required: 1 This is the handle the consumer wants to read output_handleis: ro, isa: FileHandle, required: 1 This is the handle to which the consumer wants to write maximum_buffer_thresholdis: ro, isa: Int, default: 524288 This is used as the HighMark on the Wheel. Provide a smaller value if the consumer needs to do smaller slurps from the "input_handle" minimum_buffer_thresholdis: ro, isa: Int, default: 32768 This is used as the LowMark on the Wheel. Provide a larger value if the consumer needs to stave off jitter. PROTECTED_ATTRIBUTESfilteris: ro, isa: Filter, lazy_build: 1 This is the default filter used in the output. It defaults to POE::Filter::Stream. Override _build_filter to provide a different Filter if needed wheelis: ro, isa: Wheel, lazy_build: 1, handles: qw/ put shutdown_output flush / wheel stores the constructed wheel for the "output_handle". A few handles are provided as sugar. _build_wheel gathers up "output_handle", a clone of "filter", "maximum_buffer_threshold" and "minimum_buffer_threshold" and constructs a POE::Wheel::ReadWrite. Override this method if more customization is required. PRIVATE_ATTRIBUTESreading_completeis: rw, isa: Bool, default: 0 reading_complete is an indicator set during "get_data_from_input_handle" if EOF is reached. This helps "handle_output_flushed" figure out if "read_more_input" should be executed or if it is time to tear everthing down PROTECTED_METHODSafter _startis Event _start is advised to spin up the wheel, fill its buffer with initial data, and setup the signal handler for 'DIE' signals (exceptions) read_more_inputis Event read_more_input fills the "wheel"'s buffer until the HighMark is hit. It does this by looping over "get_data_from_input_handle" until it returns undef handle_output_flushedis Event This event is called when the "wheel"'s buffer is empty. If "reading_complete" is set, clean up happens via "done_writing". Otherwise more data is slurped via "read_more_input" get_data_from_input_handleget_data_from_input_handle is the actual implementation for reading from "input_handle". By default, it uses sysread to return a 4k chunk. If EOF is reached, "reading_complete" is set and "done_reading" is executed. Ifdone_writingdone_writing is called when the last of the output is flushed and there is nothing left to read. It clears the "wheel", closes the "output_handle", and sends them out of scopedone_readingdone_reading is called when EOF is reached. It closes the "input_handle" and sends it out of scope.handle_output_error(Str $action, Int $code, Str $message, WheelID $id) is Event handle_output_error is an event the "wheel" will call when there is some kind of problem writing. By default it simply dies with the passed information die_signal(Str $signal, HashRef $ex) is Event die_signal is our exception handler to which POE delivers DIE signals. By default, it calls "done_reading" and "done_writing". Please note that the signal is not handled and will be propogated. AUTHORNicholas Perez <nperez@cpan.org>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSEThis software is copyright (c) 2010 by Infinity Interactive.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.