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NAMEPPIx::Regexp - Represent a regular expression of some sortSYNOPSISuse PPIx::Regexp; use PPIx::Regexp::Dumper; my $re = PPIx::Regexp->new( 'qr{foo}smx' ); PPIx::Regexp::Dumper->new( $re ) ->print(); DEPRECATION NOTICEThe postderef argument to new() is being put through a deprecation cycle and retracted. After the retraction, postfix dereferences will always be recognized. This is the default behaviour now.Starting with version 0.074_01, the first use of this argument warned. warn. With version 0.079_01, all uses will warn. With version 0.080_01, all uses will become fatal. With the first release on or after April 15 2022 all mention of this argument will be removed. INHERITANCE"PPIx::Regexp" is a PPIx::Regexp::Node."PPIx::Regexp" has no descendants. DESCRIPTIONThe purpose of the PPIx-Regexp package is to parse regular expressions in a manner similar to the way the PPI package parses Perl. This class forms the root of the parse tree, playing a role similar to PPI::Document.This package shares with PPI the property of being round-trip safe. That is, my $expr = 's/ ( \d+ ) ( \D+ ) /$2$1/smxg'; my $re = PPIx::Regexp->new( $expr ); print $re->content() eq $expr ? "yes\n" : "no\n" should print 'yes' for any valid regular expression. Navigation is similar to that provided by PPI. That is to say, things like "children", "find_first", "snext_sibling" and so on all work pretty much the same way as in PPI. The class hierarchy is also similar to PPI. Except for some utility classes (the dumper, the lexer, and the tokenizer) all classes are descended from PPIx::Regexp::Element, which provides basic navigation. Tokens are descended from PPIx::Regexp::Token, which provides content. All containers are descended from PPIx::Regexp::Node, which provides for children, and all structure elements are descended from PPIx::Regexp::Structure, which provides beginning and ending delimiters, and a type. There are two features of PPI that this package does not provide - mutability and operator overloading. There are no plans for serious mutability, though something like PPI's "prune" functionality might be considered. Similarly there are no plans for operator overloading, which appears to the author to represent a performance hit for little tangible gain. NOTICEThe author will attempt to preserve the documented interface, but if the interface needs to change to correct some egregiously bad design or implementation decision, then it will change. Any incompatible changes will go through a deprecation cycle.The goal of this package is to parse well-formed regular expressions correctly. A secondary goal is not to blow up on ill-formed regular expressions. The correct identification and characterization of ill-formed regular expressions is not a goal of this package, nor is the consistent parsing of ill-formed regular expressions from release to release. This policy attempts to track features in development releases as well as public releases. However, features added in a development release and then removed before the next production release will not be tracked, and any functionality relating to such features will be removed. The issue here is the potential re-use (with different semantics) of syntax that did not make it into the production release. From time to time the Perl regular expression engine changes in ways that change the parse of a given regular expression. When these changes occur, "PPIx::Regexp" will be changed to produce the more modern parse. Known examples of this include:
There are very probably other examples of this. When they come to light they will be documented as producing the modern parse, and the code modified to produce this parse if necessary. METHODSThis class provides the following public methods. Methods not documented here are private, and unsupported in the sense that the author reserves the right to change or remove them without notice.newmy $re = PPIx::Regexp->new('/foo/'); This method instantiates a "PPIx::Regexp" object from a string, a PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Regexp, a PPI::Token::Regexp::Match, or a PPI::Token::Regexp::Substitute. Honestly, any PPI::Element will work, but only the three Regexp classes mentioned previously are likely to do anything useful. Whatever form the argument takes, it is assumed to consist entirely of a valid match, substitution, or "qr<>" string. Optionally you can pass one or more name/value pairs after the regular expression. The possible options are:
Passing optional input other than the above is not an error, but neither is it supported. new_from_cacheThis static method wraps "new" in a caching mechanism. Only one object will be generated for a given PPI::Element, no matter how many times this method is called. Calls after the first for a given PPI::Element simply return the same "PPIx::Regexp" object.When the "PPIx::Regexp" object is returned from cache, the values of the optional arguments are ignored. Calls to this method with the regular expression in a string rather than a PPI::Element will not be cached. Caveat: This method is provided for code like Perl::Critic which might instantiate the same object multiple times. The cache will persist until "flush_cache" is called. flush_cache$re->flush_cache(); # Remove $re from cache PPIx::Regexp->flush_cache(); # Empty the cache This method flushes the cache used by "new_from_cache". If called as a static method with no arguments, the entire cache is emptied. Otherwise any objects specified are removed from the cache. capture_namesforeach my $name ( $re->capture_names() ) { print "Capture name '$name'\n"; } This convenience method returns the capture names found in the regular expression. This method is equivalent to $self->regular_expression()->capture_names(); except that if "$self->regular_expression()" returns "undef" (meaning that something went terribly wrong with the parse) this method will simply return. delimitersprint join("\t", PPIx::Regexp->new('s/foo/bar/')->delimiters()); # prints '// //' When called in list context, this method returns either one or two strings, depending on whether the parsed expression has a replacement string. In the case of non-bracketed substitutions, the start delimiter of the replacement string is considered to be the same as its finish delimiter, as illustrated by the above example. When called in scalar context, you get the delimiters of the regular expression; that is, element 0 of the array that is returned in list context. Optionally, you can pass an index value and the corresponding delimiters will be returned; index 0 represents the regular expression's delimiters, and index 1 represents the replacement string's delimiters, which may be undef. For example, print PPIx::Regexp->new('s{foo}<bar>')->delimiters(1); # prints '<>' If the object was not initialized with a valid regexp of some sort, the results of this method are undefined. errstrThis static method returns the error string from the most recent attempt to instantiate a "PPIx::Regexp". It will be "undef" if the most recent attempt succeeded.extract_regexpsmy $doc = PPI::Document->new( $path ); $doc->index_locations(); my @res = PPIx::Regexp->extract_regexps( $doc ) This convenience (well, sort-of) static method takes as its argument a PPI::Document object and returns "PPIx::Regexp" objects corresponding to all regular expressions found in it, in the order in which they occur in the document. You will need to keep a reference to the original PPI::Document object if you wish to be able to recover the original PPI::Element objects via the PPIx::Regexp source() method. failuresprint "There were ", $re->failures(), " parse failures\n"; This method returns the number of parse failures. This is a count of the number of unknown tokens plus the number of unterminated structures plus the number of unmatched right brackets of any sort. max_capture_numberprint "Highest used capture number ", $re->max_capture_number(), "\n"; This convenience method returns the highest capture number used by the regular expression. If there are no captures, the return will be 0. This method is equivalent to $self->regular_expression()->max_capture_number(); except that if "$self->regular_expression()" returns "undef" (meaning that something went terribly wrong with the parse) this method will too. modifiermy $re = PPIx::Regexp->new( 's/(foo)/${1}bar/smx' ); print $re->modifier()->content(), "\n"; # prints 'smx'. This method retrieves the modifier of the object. This comes from the end of the initializing string or object and will be a PPIx::Regexp::Token::Modifier. Note that this object represents the actual modifiers present on the regexp, and does not take into account any that may have been applied by default (i.e. via the "default_modifiers" argument to "new()"). For something that takes account of default modifiers, see modifier_asserted(), below. In the event of a parse failure, there may not be a modifier present, in which case nothing is returned. modifier_assertedmy $re = PPIx::Regexp->new( '/ . /', default_modifiers => [ 'smx' ] ); print $re->modifier_asserted( 'x' ) ? "yes\n" : "no\n"; # prints 'yes'. This method returns true if the given modifier is asserted for the regexp, whether explicitly or by the modifiers passed in the "default_modifiers" argument. Starting with version 0.036_01, if the argument is a single-character modifier followed by an asterisk (intended as a wild card character), the return is the number of times that modifier appears. In this case an exception will be thrown if you specify a multi-character modifier (e.g. 'ee*'), or if you specify one of the match semantics modifiers (e.g. 'a*'). regular_expressionmy $re = PPIx::Regexp->new( 's/(foo)/${1}bar/smx' ); print $re->regular_expression()->content(), "\n"; # prints '/(foo)/'. This method returns that portion of the object which actually represents a regular expression. replacementmy $re = PPIx::Regexp->new( 's/(foo)/${1}bar/smx' ); print $re->replacement()->content(), "\n"; # prints '${1}bar/'. This method returns that portion of the object which represents the replacement string. This will be "undef" unless the regular expression actually has a replacement string. Delimiters will be included, but there will be no beginning delimiter unless the regular expression was bracketed. sourcemy $source = $re->source(); This method returns the object or string that was used to instantiate the object. typemy $re = PPIx::Regexp->new( 's/(foo)/${1}bar/smx' ); print $re->type()->content(), "\n"; # prints 's'. This method retrieves the type of the object. This comes from the beginning of the initializing string or object, and will be a PPIx::Regexp::Token::Structure whose "content" is one of 's', 'm', 'qr', or ''. RESTRICTIONSBy the nature of this module, it is never going to get everything right. Many of the known problem areas involve interpolations one way or another.Ambiguous SyntaxPerl's regular expressions contain cases where the syntax is ambiguous. A particularly egregious example is an interpolation followed by square or curly brackets, for example $foo[...]. There is nothing in the syntax to say whether the programmer wanted to interpolate an element of array @foo, or whether he wanted to interpolate scalar $foo, and then follow that interpolation by a character class.The perlop documentation notes that in this case what Perl does is to guess. That is, it employs various heuristics on the code to try to figure out what the programmer wanted. These heuristics are documented as being undocumented (!) and subject to change without notice. As an example of the problems even perl faces in parsing Perl, see <https://github.com/perl/perl5/issues/16478>. Given this situation, this module's chances of duplicating every Perl version's interpretation of every regular expression are pretty much nil. What it does now is to assume that square brackets containing only an integer or an interpolation represent a subscript; otherwise they represent a character class. Similarly, curly brackets containing only a bareword or an interpolation are a subscript; otherwise they represent a quantifier. Changes in SyntaxSometimes the introduction of new syntax changes the way a regular expression is parsed. For example, the "\v" character class was introduced in Perl 5.9.5. But it did not represent a syntax error prior to that version of Perl, it was simply parsed as "v". So$ perl -le 'print "v" =~ m/\v/ ? "yes" : "no"' prints "yes" under Perl 5.8.9, but "no" under 5.10.0. "PPIx::Regexp" generally assumes the more modern parse in cases like this. EquivocationVery occasionally, a construction will be removed and then added back -- and then, conceivably, removed again. In this case, the plan is for perl_version_introduced() to return the earliest version in which the construction appeared, and perl_version_removed() to return the version after the last version in which it appeared (whether production or development), or "undef" if it is in the highest-numbered Perl.The constructions involved in this are: Un-escaped literal left curly after literal That is, something like "qr<x{>". This was made an error in 5.25.1, and it was an error in 5.26.0. But it became a warning again in 5.27.1. The perl5271delta says it was re-instated because the changes broke GNU Autoconf, and the warning message says it will be removed in Perl 5.30. Accordingly, perl_version_introduced() returns 5.0. At the moment perl_version_removed() returns '5.025001'. But if it is present with or without warning in 5.28, perl_version_removed() will become "undef". If you need finer resolution than this, see PPIx::Regexp::Element methods l<accepts_perl()|PPIx::Regexp::Element/accepts_perl> and l<requirements_for_perl()|PPIx::Regexp::Element/requirements_for_perl> Static ParsingIt is well known that Perl can not be statically parsed. That is, you can not completely parse a piece of Perl code without executing that same code.Nevertheless, this class is trying to statically parse regular expressions. The main problem with this is that there is no way to know what is being interpolated into the regular expression by an interpolated variable. This is a problem because the interpolated value can change the interpretation of adjacent elements. This module deals with this by making assumptions about what is in an interpolated variable. These assumptions will not be enumerated here, but in general the principal is to assume the interpolated value does not change the interpretation of the regular expression. For example, my $foo = 'a-z]'; my $re = qr{[$foo}; is fine with the Perl interpreter, but will confuse the dickens out of this module. Similarly and more usefully, something like my $mods = 'i'; my $re = qr{(?$mods:foo)}; or maybe my $mods = 'i'; my $re = qr{(?$mods)$foo}; probably sets a modifier of some sort, and that is how this module interprets it. If the interpolation is not about modifiers, this module will get it wrong. Another such semi-benign example is my $foo = $] >= 5.010 ? '?<foo>' : ''; my $re = qr{($foo\w+)}; which will parse, but this module will never realize that it might be looking at a named capture. Non-Standard SyntaxThere are modules out there that alter the syntax of Perl. If the syntax of a regular expression is altered, this module has no way to understand that it has been altered, much less to adapt to the alteration. The following modules are known to cause problems:Acme::PerlML, which renders Perl as XML. "Data::PostfixDeref", which causes Perl to interpret suffixed empty brackets as dereferencing the thing they suffix. This module by Ben Morrow ("BMORROW") appears to have been retracted. Filter::Trigraph, which recognizes ANSI C trigraphs, allowing Perl to be written in the ISO 646 character set. Perl6::Pugs. Enough said. Perl6::Rules, which back-ports some of the Perl 6 regular expression syntax to Perl 5. Regexp::Extended, which extends regular expressions in various ways, some of which seem to conflict with Perl 5.010. SEE ALSORegexp::Parsertron, which uses Marpa::R2 to parse the regexp, and Tree for navigation. Unlike "PPIx::Regexp|PPIx::Regexp", Regexp::Parsertron supports modification of the parse tree.Regexp::Parser, which parses a bare regular expression (without enclosing "qr{}", "m//", or whatever) and uses a different navigation model. After a long hiatus, this module has been adopted, and is again supported. YAPE::Regex, which provides the parse tree, and has a mechanism to subclass the various element classes for customization. The most-recent release is 2011, but the CPAN testers results are still all green. Companion module YAPE::Regex::Explain says what the various pieces of a regex do, though constructs added in perl 5.10 and later are not supported. I have no idea how I missed this when I originally went looking for "Regexp" parsers. SUPPORTSupport is by the author. Please file bug reports at <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=PPIx-Regexp>, <https://github.com/trwyant/perl-PPIx-Regexp/issues>, or in electronic mail to the author.AUTHORThomas R. Wyant, III wyant at cpan dot orgCOPYRIGHT AND LICENSECopyright (C) 2009-2022 by Thomas R. Wyant, IIIThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text of the licenses in the directory LICENSES. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.