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NAMEParanoid::IO::Lockfile - Paranoid Lockfile supportVERSION$Id: lib/Paranoid/IO/Lockfile.pm, 2.08 2020/12/31 12:10:06 acorliss Exp $SYNOPSISuse Paranoid::IO::Lockfile; use Fcntl qw(:flock); # only needed if you use plock in lieu # of the other functions $rv = plock($lockfile); $rv = plock($lockfile, LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB); $rv = plock($lockfile, LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB, $mode); $rv = pexclock($lockfile); $rv = pshlock($lockfile); $rv = punlock($lockfile); DESCRIPTIONThis module provides convenience functions for using a lockfile to coordinate multi-process activities. While basically just a thin wrapper for Paranoid::IO functions it removes the small tedium of having to perform the multiple opens required to ensure all processes are working off the same files while avoiding race conditions.IMPORT LISTSThis module exports the following symbols by default:plock pexclock pshlock punlock The following specialized import lists also exist: List Members -------------------------------------------------------- all @defaults SUBROUTINES/METHODSplock$rv = plock($filename); $rv = plock($filename, LOCK_EX); $rv = plock($filename, LOCK_EX, 0666); Creates or opens the requested file while applying the lock condition. The lock type defaults to LOCK_EX if omitted, while the file permissions default to 0660. As always, umask applies. There is one scenario in which one would want to use plock in lieu of pexclock, etc: if you wish to perform non-blocking lock attempts. All convenience functions are blocking. pexclock$rv = pexclock($filename); $rv = pexclock($filename, $mode); A wrapper for plock($filename, LOCK_EX). pshlock$rv = pshlock($filename); $rv = pshlock($filename, $mode); A wrapper for plock($filename, LOCK_SH). punlock$rv = punlock($filename); $rv = punlock($filename, $mode); A wrapper for plock($filename, LOCK_UN). This does not close the open file handle to the lock file. For that you need to call Paranoid::IO's pclose function. DEPENDENCIES
BUGS AND LIMITATIONSAUTHORArthur Corliss (corliss@digitalmages.com)LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTThis software is free software. Similar to Perl, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:a) the GNU General Public License <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-1.0.html> as published by the Free Software Foundation <http://www.fsf.org/>; either version 1 <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-1.0.html>, or any later version <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#GNUGPL>, or b) the Artistic License 2.0 <https://opensource.org/licenses/Artistic-2.0>, subject to the following additional term: No trademark rights to "Paranoid" have been or are conveyed under any of the above licenses. However, "Paranoid" may be used fairly to describe this unmodified software, in good faith, but not as a trademark. (c) 2005 - 2020, Arthur Corliss (corliss@digitalmages.com) (tm) 2008 - 2020, Paranoid Inc. (www.paranoid.com)