Paranoid::Log::Syslog - Log Facility Syslog
$Id: lib/Paranoid/Log/, 2.00 2016/05/13
19:51:02 acorliss Exp $
use Paranoid::Log;
startLogger( 'syslog_local1', 'Syslog', PL_WARN, PL_EQ,
{ facility => 'local1', ident => 'myproc' });
This module implements UNIX syslog support for logging purposes. The options
hash is entirely optional. The facility defaults to user if omitted,
and ident defaults to the process name.
This module does support the use of multiple syslog loggers, with
each being able to set their own facility and ident.
NOTE: Given that this module is not intended to be used directly nothing
is exported.
- o
- Paranoid
- o
- Paranoid::Debug
- o
- Unix::Syslog
Arthur Corliss (
This software is licensed under the same terms as Perl, itself. Please see for more information.
(c) 2005 - 2015, Arthur Corliss (