NAMEParse::CSV - Highly flexible CSV parser for large filesVERSIONversion 2.07SYNOPSIS# Simple headerless comma-separated column parser my $simple = Parse::CSV->new( file => 'file.csv', ); while ( my $array_ref = $simple->fetch ) { # Do something... } ... or a more complex example... # Parse a colon-separated variables file from a handle as a hash # based on headers from the first line. # Then filter, so we emit objects rather than the plain hash. my $objects = Parse::CSV->new( handle => $io_handle, sep_char => ';', names => 1, filter => sub { My::Object->new( $_ ) }, ); while ( my $object = $objects->fetch ) { $object->do_something; } DESCRIPTIONSurely the CPAN doesn't need yet another CSV parsing module.Text::CSV_XS is the standard parser for CSV files. It is fast as hell, but unfortunately it can be a bit verbose to use. A number of other modules have attempted to put usability wrappers around this venerable module, but they have all focused on parsing the entire file into memory at once. This method is fine unless your CSV files start to get large. Once that happens, the only existing option is to fall back on the relatively slow and heavyweight XML::SAXDriver::CSV module. Parse::CSV fills this functionality gap. It provides a flexible and light-weight streaming parser for large, extremely large, or arbitrarily large CSV files. Main FeaturesStream-Based Parser - All parsing a line at a time.Array Mode - Parsing can be done in simple array mode, returning a reference to an array if the columns are not named. Hash Mode - Parsing can be done in hash mode, putting the data into a hash and returning a reference to it. Filter Capability - All items returned can be passed through a custom filter. This filter can either modify the data on the fly, or drop records you don't need. Writing FiltersA Parse::CSV filter is a subroutine reference that is passed the original record as $_ (not as a function argument), and should "return" the alternative or modified record.A no-op filter (does not modify or drop any records) would look like the following. sub { $_ } A filter that reversed the order of the columns (assuming the parser is in array mode) might look like the following. sub { [ reverse @$_ ] } To drop the record, return "undef" from the filter. The parser will then keep pulling and parsing new records until one passes the filter. # Only keep records where the 'foo' field is true sub { $_->{foo} ? $_ : undef } To signal an error, throw an exception sub { $_->{foo} =~ /bar/ or die "Assumption failed"; return $_; } Feel free to modify $_ as a side-effect of your filter routine - this will have no effect on anything. METHODSnewThe "new" constructor creates and initialises a new CSV parser. It returns a new Parse::CSV object, or throws an exception (dies) on error. It accepts a number of params:
fetchOnce a Parse::CSV object has been created, the "fetch" method is used to parse and return the next value from the CSV file.Returns an "ARRAY", "HASH" or the output of the filter, based on the configuration of the object, or "undef" in a variety of situations. Returning "undef" means either some part of the parsing and filtering process has resulted in an error, or that the end of file has been reached. On receiving "undef", you should check the "errstr" method. If it is an empty string you have reached the end of file. Otherwise the error message will be returned. Thus, the basic usage of Parse::CSV will look like the following. my $parser = Parse::CSV->new( file => 'file.csv', ); while ( my $value = $parser->fetch ) { # Do something... } if ( $parser->errstr ) { # Handle errors... } NOTE: currently the "fields" and "string" methods can be used to access the most recently-read row (as an array ref or a formatted string) after using "/fetch". However, this contradicts the documentation for Text::CSV_XS, which says those methods should be "meaningless" after calling "getline" (which "fetch()" internally uses to read the input). Keeping the current behavior also incurs a speed & memory penalty. Therefore, relying on "fields" and "string" to return the current data after "fetch()" is deprecated and will (probably) be removed in a future release. getlineReturns the next line of the input as an array reference, without performing possible conversion to a hash, and without running any filters. This is the routine that "fetch()" uses internally to read its input. It may be useful if you sometimes want to do filtering and sometimes don't, or sometimes want to do hash conversion and sometimes don't, or maybe you don't need either of those things and you just want to shave all the milliseconds off that you can (but then you might be better off just using "Text::CSV" directly).rowThe "row" method returns the line number of the most-recently-read row of the CSV file.This is a one-based count, so when you first create the parser, the value of "row" will be zero (unless you are using "names" on automatic in which case it will be 1). combine$status = $csv->combine(@columns); The "combine" method is provided as a convenience, and is passed through to the underlying Text::CSV_XS object. string$line = $csv->string; The "string" method is provided as a convenience, and is passed through to the underlying Text::CSV_XS object. NOTE: relying on "string" to return the current data after "fetch()" is deprecated and will (probably) be removed in a future release. Only rely on its value after "combine()". See similar warnings in "fetch" and "fields". $status = $csv->print($io, $columns); The "print" method is provided as a convenience, and is passed through to the underlying Text::CSV_XS object. fields@fields = $csv->fields; The "fields" method is provided as a convenience, and is passed through to the underlying Text::CSV_XS object. It shows the actual row as an array. NOTE: relying on fields to return the current data after "fetch()" is deprecated and will (probably) be removed in a future release. Only rely on its value after "combine()". See similar warnings in "fetch" and "string". names# Get the current column names in use my @names = $csv->names; # Change the column names on the fly mid stream $csv->names( 'fn1', 'fn2' ); The "names" method gets or sets the column name mapping for the parser. If the parser has no names or fields, returns the null list. errstrOn error, the "errstr" method returns the error that occured.If the last action was NOT an error, returns the null string ''. SUPPORTBugs should always be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Parse-CSV> For other issues, or commercial enhancement or support, contact the author. AUTHORSAdam Kennedy <adamk@cpan.org>CONTRIBUTORSUwe Sarnowski <uwes@cpan.org>Ken Williams <kwilliams@cpan.org> SEE ALSOText::CSV_XS, <http://ali.as/>COPYRIGHTCopyright 2006 - 2012 Adam Kennedy.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
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