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NAMEParse::Method::Signatures::Param - a parsed parameter from a signatureATTRIBUTESAll attributes of this class are read-only.requiredIs this parameter required (true) or optional (false)?sigilThe effective sigil ('$', '@' or '%') of this parameter.type_constraintsType: Parse::Method::Signatures::TypeConstraint
Predicate: has_type_constraints Representation of the type constraint for this parameter. Most commonly you will just call "meta_type_constraint" and not access this attribute directly. default_valueType: Str
Predicate: has_default_value A string that should be eval'd or injected to get the default value for this parameter. For example: $name = 'bar' Would give a default_value of "'bar'". constraintsType: ArrayRef[Str]
Predicate: has_constraints "where" constraints for this type. Each member of the array a the string (including enclosing braces) of the where constraint block. param_traitsType: ArrayRef[ Tupple[Str,Str] ]
Predicate: has_traits Traits that this parameter is declared to have. For instance $foo does coerce would have a trait of ['does', 'coerce'] METHODSto_stringmeta_type_constraintGet the Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint for this parameter. Check first that the type has a type constraint:$tc = $param->meta_type_constraint if $param->has_type_constraints; SEE ALSOParse::Method::Signatures.AUTHORSAsh Berlin <ash@cpan.org>.Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org>. LICENSELicensed under the same terms as Perl itself.