NAMEPaws::CloudHSM::DescribeHsmResponseATTRIBUTESAvailabilityZone => StrThe Availability Zone that the HSM is in.EniId => StrThe identifier of the elastic network interface (ENI) attached to the HSM.EniIp => StrThe IP address assigned to the HSM's ENI.HsmArn => StrThe ARN of the HSM.HsmType => StrThe HSM model type.IamRoleArn => StrThe ARN of the IAM role assigned to the HSM.Partitions => ArrayRef[Str]The list of partitions on the HSM.SerialNumber => StrThe serial number of the HSM.ServerCertLastUpdated => StrThe date and time the server certificate was last updated.ServerCertUri => StrThe URI of the certificate server.SoftwareVersion => StrThe HSM software version.SshKeyLastUpdated => StrThe date and time the SSH key was last updated.SshPublicKey => StrThe public SSH key.Status => StrThe status of the HSM.StatusDetails => StrContains additional information about the status of the HSM.SubnetId => StrThe identifier of the subnet the HSM is in.SubscriptionEndDate => StrThe subscription end date.SubscriptionStartDate => StrThe subscription start date.SubscriptionType => StrThe subscription type.VendorName => StrThe name of the HSM vendor.VpcId => StrThe identifier of the VPC that the HSM is in.
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