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NAMEPaws::Glacier::GlacierJobDescriptionATTRIBUTESAction => StrThe job type. It is either ArchiveRetrieval or InventoryRetrieval.ArchiveId => StrFor an ArchiveRetrieval job, this is the archive ID requested for download. Otherwise, this field is null.ArchiveSHA256TreeHash => StrThe SHA256 tree hash of the entire archive for an archive retrieval. For inventory retrieval jobs, this field is null.ArchiveSizeInBytes => IntFor an ArchiveRetrieval job, this is the size in bytes of the archive being requested for download. For the InventoryRetrieval job, the value is null.Completed => BoolThe job status. When a job is completed, you get the job's output.CompletionDate => StrThe UTC time that the archive retrieval request completed. While the job is in progress, the value will be null.CreationDate => StrThe UTC date when the job was created. A string representation of ISO 8601 date format, for example, "2012-03-20T17:03:43.221Z".InventoryRetrievalParameters => Paws::Glacier::InventoryRetrievalJobDescriptionParameters used for range inventory retrieval.InventorySizeInBytes => IntFor an InventoryRetrieval job, this is the size in bytes of the inventory requested for download. For the ArchiveRetrieval job, the value is null.JobDescription => StrThe job description you provided when you initiated the job.JobId => StrAn opaque string that identifies an Amazon Glacier job.RetrievalByteRange => StrThe retrieved byte range for archive retrieval jobs in the form "StartByteValue-EndByteValue" If no range was specified in the archive retrieval, then the whole archive is retrieved and StartByteValue equals 0 and EndByteValue equals the size of the archive minus 1. For inventory retrieval jobs this field is null.SHA256TreeHash => StrFor an ArchiveRetrieval job, it is the checksum of the archive. Otherwise, the value is null.The SHA256 tree hash value for the requested range of an archive. If the Initiate a Job request for an archive specified a tree-hash aligned range, then this field returns a value. For the specific case when the whole archive is retrieved, this value is the same as the ArchiveSHA256TreeHash value. This field is null in the following situations:
SNSTopic => StrAn Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that receives notification.StatusCode => StrThe status code can be InProgress, Succeeded, or Failed, and indicates the status of the job.StatusMessage => StrA friendly message that describes the job status.VaultARN => StrThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vault from which the archive retrieval was requested.