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NAMEPaws::OpsWorks::CreateInstance - Arguments for method CreateInstance on Paws::OpsWorksDESCRIPTIONThis class represents the parameters used for calling the method CreateInstance on the AWS OpsWorks service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method CreateInstance.You shouln't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to CreateInstance. As an example: $service_obj->CreateInstance(Att1 => $value1, Att2 => $value2, ...); Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. ATTRIBUTESAgentVersion => StrThe default AWS OpsWorks agent version. You have the following options:
The default setting is "INHERIT". To specify an agent version, you must use the complete version number, not the abbreviated number shown on the console. For a list of available agent version numbers, call DescribeAgentVersions. AmiId => StrA custom AMI ID to be used to create the instance. The AMI should be based on one of the supported operating systems. For more information, see Using Custom AMIs.If you specify a custom AMI, you must set "Os" to "Custom". Architecture => StrThe instance architecture. The default option is "x86_64". Instance types do not necessarily support both architectures. For a list of the architectures that are supported by the different instance types, see Instance Families and Types.AutoScalingType => StrFor load-based or time-based instances, the type. Windows stacks can use only time-based instances.AvailabilityZone => StrThe instance Availability Zone. For more information, see Regions and Endpoints.BlockDeviceMappings => ArrayRef[Paws::OpsWorks::BlockDeviceMapping]An array of "BlockDeviceMapping" objects that specify the instance's block devices. For more information, see Block Device Mapping.EbsOptimized => BoolWhether to create an Amazon EBS-optimized instance.Hostname => StrThe instance host name.InstallUpdatesOnBoot => BoolWhether to install operating system and package updates when the instance boots. The default value is "true". To control when updates are installed, set this value to "false". You must then update your instances manually by using CreateDeployment to run the "update_dependencies" stack command or by manually running "yum" (Amazon Linux) or "apt-get" (Ubuntu) on the instances.We strongly recommend using the default value of "true" to ensure that your instances have the latest security updates. REQUIRED InstanceType => StrThe instance type, such as "t2.micro". For a list of supported instance types, open the stack in the console, choose Instances, and choose + Instance. The Size list contains the currently supported types. For more information, see Instance Families and Types. The parameter values that you use to specify the various types are in the API Name column of the Available Instance Types table.REQUIRED LayerIds => ArrayRef[Str]An array that contains the instance's layer IDs.Os => StrThe instance's operating system, which must be set to one of the following.
For more information on the supported operating systems, see AWS OpsWorks Operating Systems. The default option is the current Amazon Linux version. If you set this parameter to "Custom", you must use the CreateInstance action's AmiId parameter to specify the custom AMI that you want to use. For more information on the supported operating systems, see Operating SystemsFor more information on how to use custom AMIs with AWS OpsWorks, see Using Custom AMIs. RootDeviceType => StrThe instance root device type. For more information, see Storage for the Root Device.SshKeyName => StrThe instance's Amazon EC2 key-pair name.REQUIRED StackId => StrThe stack ID.SubnetId => StrThe ID of the instance's subnet. If the stack is running in a VPC, you can use this parameter to override the stack's default subnet ID value and direct AWS OpsWorks to launch the instance in a different subnet.VirtualizationType => StrThe instance's virtualization type, "paravirtual" or "hvm".SEE ALSOThis class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method CreateInstance in Paws::OpsWorksBUGS and CONTRIBUTIONSThe source code is located here: https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perlPlease report bugs to: https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl/issues