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NAMEPerlIO::Util - A selection of general PerlIO utilitiesVERSIONThis document describes PerlIO::Util version 0.72.SYNOPSISuse PerlIO::Util; # utility layers # open and flock(IN, LOCK_EX) $io = PerlIO::Util->open('+< :flock', $file); # open with O_CREAT | O_EXCL $io = PerlIO::Util->open('+<:creat :excl', $file); my $out = PerlIO::Util->open('>:tee', 'file.txt', \$scalar, \*STDERR); print $out 'foo'; # print to 'file.txt', $scalar and *STDERR # utility routines *STDOUT->push_layer(scalar => \$scalar); # it dies on fail print 'foo'; # to $scalar print *STDOUT->pop_layer(); # => scalar print $scalar; # to *STDOUT DESCRIPTION"PerlIO::Util" provides general PerlIO utilities: utility layers and utility methods.Utility layers are a part of "PerlIO::Util", but you don't need to say "use PerlIO::Util" for loading them. They will be automatically loaded. UTILITY LAYERS:flockEasy interface to "flock()".See PerlIO::flock. :creatUse of O_CREAT without "Fcntl".See PerlIO::creat. :exclUse of O_EXCL without "Fcntl".See PerlIO::excl. :teeMultiplex output stream.See PerlIO::tee. :dirPerlIO interface to directory functions.See PerlIO::dir. :reverseReverse input stream.See PerlIO::reverse. :fseMediation of filesystem encoding.This layer was split into an independent distribution, "PerlIO::fse". See PerlIO::fse. UTILITY METHODSPerlIO::Util->open(mode, args)Calls built-in "open()", and returns an "IO::Handle" instance named args. It dies on fail.Unlike Perl's "open()" (nor "IO::File"'s), mode is always required. PerlIO::Util->known_layers( )Returns the known layer names.FILEHANDLE->get_layers( )Returns the names of the PerlIO layers on FILEHANDLE.See "Querying the layers of filehandles" in PerlIO. FILEHANDLE->push_layer(layer [ => arg])Almost equivalent to "binmode(FILEHANDLE, ':layer(arg)')", but accepts any type of arg, e.g. a scalar reference to the ":scalar" layer.This method dies on fail. Otherwise, it returns FILEHANDLE. FILEHANDLE->pop_layer( )Equivalent to "binmode(FILEHANDLE, ':pop')". It removes a top level layer from FILEHANDLE, but note that you cannot remove dummy layers such as ":utf8" or ":flock".This method returns the name of the popped layer. DEPENDENCIESPerl 5.8.1 or later, and a C compiler.BUGSNo bugs have been reported.Please report any bugs or feature requests to <gfuji(at)cpan.org>, or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/>. SEE ALSOPerlIO::flock, PerlIO::creat, PerlIO::excl, PerlIO::tee, PerlIO::dir, PerlIO::reverse, PerlIO::fse.PerlIO for "push_layer()" and "pop_layer()". perliol for implementation details. "open" in perlfunc. perlopentut. AUTHORGoro Fuji (藤 吾郎) <gfuji(at)cpan.org>.LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 2008-2010, Goro Fuji <gfuji(at)cpan.org>. Some rights reserved.This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.